Smart Action - Battery Extender


Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Do you really need to set a time for the Battery Extender, or does it run constantly. I was thinking that setting a Trigger for it to be Everyday as an All Day Event would keep it running all the time, but perhaps it is not needed.

Im pretty new to Smart Actions, so any advice would be helpful.

Do you really need to set a time for the Battery Extender, or does it run constantly. I was thinking that setting a Trigger for it to be Everyday as an All Day Event would keep it running all the time, but perhaps it is not needed.

Im pretty new to Smart Actions, so any advice would be helpful.


As with all Smart Actions, unless you have them manually disabled, they sit in a "terminate - stay ready" state, where the Triggers are being monitored, but the Actions themselves aren't "running" in the truest sense of the word. Smart Actions really only "run" when the Triggers are met. Once the Trigger parameters are met, the Smart Action will execute the Actions. Once all Actions are completed, it once again goes into a "terminate - stay ready" state, where the Triggers are being monitored, this time waiting for any of the Triggers to be broken at which point, the Actions are reversed and the whole process starts all over again.
... waiting for any of the Triggers to be broken at which point, the Actions are reversed and the whole process starts all over again.
I have another thread on this issue. My issue is that when one or more of the triggers are no longer met, not all processes are reversed, specifically the background data. At least in my case.
I have another thread on this issue. My issue is that when one or more of the triggers are no longer met, not all processes are reversed, specifically the background data. At least in my case.

I did visit that thread and I have tried to reproduce your issue but in my case, all the processes reverse, including background data. I haven't given up on you, still researching.
Sometimes my home location wont lock in and it shows the error in the label..dont know why since im on wifi at my house anyway. Gps should be used for location triggers imho. But whatever.
It will also cycle though my home, wifi, and night time actions like its confuzed about what it should be doing. Non show conflict after some adjusting when i first started messing with them.
any idea how to make the phone run 3G instead of 4G when the screen is off and then 4G comes on after screen comes on?? Is that possible.
Not sure.. mine switched auto depending on available signal. Don't know if it could be set manually...
any idea how to make the phone run 3G instead of 4G when the screen is off and then 4G comes on after screen comes on?? Is that possible.

I don't think that's a possibility at this time. The closest thing you could do would be to disable cell data when the screen is off.
Other thread must be about what just happened to me. I had smart action set to shut off data when connected to wifi. It worked great for a week then it wouldn't turn data back on. I removed smart action, rebooted, toggled airplane mode all to no avail to get data back. I thought it had just dropped, still does that once in awhile. Finally I looked in settings under data control and data enabled was unchecked! Enough smart actions for me!

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