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Sick of this razr


New Member
First time caller long time listener. I purchased my razr a week before the nexus came out for the simple reason that it seemed like a much better phone for me because it seemed like it could survive the apocalypse. I figured who needs the nexus with its ics, my phone is rather new it will come out with ics within a month or two. i went through months where 3g and 4g were practically non existent because of junk updates. Ive been through 2 sim cards. I have to charge my phone twice a day. And if thats not enough we have been strung out for months on ics release dates. And if morale wasnt already low, verizon hits us this week telling us we have to pay full price for our next phone if we want to keep our grandfathered in unlimited data. Its not like verizon gives us any deals in the first place. I always told myself i would never own anything apple after i got tricked into buying one of those easter egg looking imacs and was stuck with aol 4.0 while everyone else had 9.0. But now im considering jumping ship. at least then i dont have to get my hopes up every week for a new update that never comes, because apple never changes anything.

i know first world problems, but is anyone else feeling this frustration?
First time caller long time listener. I purchased my razr a week before the nexus came out for the simple reason that it seemed like a much better phone for me because it seemed like it could survive the apocalypse. I figured who needs the nexus with its ics, my phone is rather new it will come out with ics within a month or two. i went through months where 3g and 4g were practically non existent because of junk updates. Ive been through 2 sim cards. I have to charge my phone twice a day. And if thats not enough we have been strung out for months on ics release dates. And if morale wasnt already low, verizon hits us this week telling us we have to pay full price for our next phone if we want to keep our grandfathered in unlimited data. Its not like verizon gives us any deals in the first place. I always told myself i would never own anything apple after i got tricked into buying one of those easter egg looking imacs and was stuck with aol 4.0 while everyone else had 9.0. But now im considering jumping ship. at least then i dont have to get my hopes up every week for a new update that never comes, because apple never changes anything.

i know first world problems, but is anyone else feeling this frustration?

I have Been an original Android person from day one, I was frustrated when I got the thunderbolt, I was left in the cold I jumped ship to the iPhone and enjoyed it because it was stable, and in fact they DONT change anything which sucked! I am now with a razr that I love dearly and prolly wont ever switch which is unheard of. all I can say is do what makes you happy but you will miss 4g, navigation,big screjen,
I can empathize with you. I had a bad run of Razrs with buggy issues and dont even live in a 4G area. After 4 replacements, they offered to swap me to other phones to include nexus or bionic but I persisted and was upgraded to Maxx for my inconvenience. I love the Razr when it works and don't want an ijunk. I don't root and run completely stock, NO issues since got the Maxx a few weeks back. Works great and in live again.

Work through the issues and be persistent with verizon and their tech support. If you are having that many problems, and have had replacements, perhaps swapping out may be an option. Swapping to iPhone is not an option but swapping to another 4g should be possible.

Sent from my RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
First time caller long time listener. I purchased my razr a week before the nexus came out for the simple reason that it seemed like a much better phone for me because it seemed like it could survive the apocalypse. I figured who needs the nexus with its ics, my phone is rather new it will come out with ics within a month or two. i went through months where 3g and 4g were practically non existent because of junk updates. Ive been through 2 sim cards. I have to charge my phone twice a day. And if thats not enough we have been strung out for months on ics release dates. And if morale wasnt already low, verizon hits us this week telling us we have to pay full price for our next phone if we want to keep our grandfathered in unlimited data. Its not like verizon gives us any deals in the first place. I always told myself i would never own anything apple after i got tricked into buying one of those easter egg looking imacs and was stuck with aol 4.0 while everyone else had 9.0. But now im considering jumping ship. at least then i dont have to get my hopes up every week for a new update that never comes, because apple never changes anything.

i know first world problems, but is anyone else feeling this frustration?

Not only a first world problem, but also a whole lot of "poor me" over something that is a gigantic luxury. I know we have convinced ourselves that smartphones are a necessity, but that is simply not true. We can live without them if a) we want to and/or b) we can't afford to have one.

Don't know what else to say.
I got tired of hardware and software fragmentation. I ordered an iPhone 4s and should have it next week.

I've been with Android since Verizon released them. I had the Eris, Incredible and now the Razr. I feel the Razr is just too big for me.

What upset me the most was Moto releasing the Razr and Maxx so close together. Now with the Razr HD right around the corner, that's 3 Razr models in about 7 months.

What I think is great about the iPhone is that if I end up not liking the iPhone, I can sell it and get a Rezound and still pocket a few bucks. There isn't an Android phone out there that holds it's value like the iPhone. Especially 7 months after it was released.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
We have grown up in a society that force feeds us the illusion that we must have the latest and greatest [Mod edited for content]. No one seems to have any patience. If you don't like it you should have figured that out in the first two Weeks and returned it. So what it doesn't have ics yet. When it does i'm sure people will have things to complain about then too. [Mod edited for content] I remember the first phone I got that took me four Weeks to save up for. It was a Nokia brick that made calls sent text and I don't even think it had a camera. Had out for years. Still in one of my junk drawers. If it is defective then demand a replacement, off you're just not satisfied with it then I'll give you my old Nokia brick and you can appreciate "the good 'Ole days"...

I'll give you my RAZR when you take it from my cold, dead hands...
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Well it seems the only solvable problem would be battery life, since there isn't much you can do about getting a bad SIM card. What are you battery habits like? Download bada$$ battery monitor and see what is eating all of your battery up. Do you use FB or Twitter and have them updating too regularly?

When I had the Razr I made it two days on minimal usage, and now with the MAXX two days on heavy usage. I only went to the FB mobile site and didn't have the APP pulling data constantly, none of my friends are saying anything I need to get right away. Same for my Beautiful Widget, I have that set to update the weather every hour instead of something lower.

I am sure you can find at least one APP that is draining more battery than it should and either limit it's use or kill it all together, and by kill I mean uninstall don't use Auto Task Killers.

Let us know what you find out on the battey usage and maybe we can go from there.
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I don't think aquaholics problem or frustration is any different than a 100 other people's complaints/problems with their phone of various makes. But he happened to mention that he knows it is NOT a third world problem and everyone decides to jump on that ship statement to criticize instead of trying to help resolve his situation. I think we all know having a smart phone is a luxury that we all love to play with, including the op.

To the op, what are the problems or frustrations you are having with the Razr? I know the Razr is capable of getting 10 hours of battery life which is avg for smart phones w-out extended battery. Radio reception has been great and many have switched from their nexus to a razr specifically for that reason. If your Razr is having those problems there are many things that can be done to help improve them. Let us know what your problems are and we can give you some ideas or if you are interested in another phone, we can give you honest pros and cons.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
Wow, some of the responses here seem a little harsh... I agree that a smartphone is a luxury; like any luxury, we're paying for it willingly. But in return we should expect some level of stability and service. That's part of what we're paying for.
As for the ICS update, well, that's an irritant, true, but who do we blame? Verizon? Motorola? Google? I dunno, so I personally just try to be patient about it. And that ain't easy, so I sympathize with aquaholic (cool name BTW).
I have unlimited data, and I will hate to lose it, even though I don't think I've ever gone over 2 GB a month as long as I've had my OG Droid X. What irks me is that arbitrary "upgrade fee". In a few short years, they went from "new every two" to "bend over and smile".
Just thought I would say that I love my Droid Razr. My only regret is that I didn't get the Maxx - I could really use that monster battery! Most of my friends and family are on IPhones now, and I can honestly say that I don't see myself ever leaving a Droid!
How about we try to focus on what the concerns are for the OP, on what we can do as users and lovers of our Droid RAZRs to help, and keep the commentary to the plus side?

There are obviously issues that they are experiencing or there wouldn't be a complaint. Whether the OP is capable of diagnosing themselves is not the issue. Whether the OP has made the "right choice" for a phone or not is also irrelevant to the core issues. The phone obviously isn't performing to his/her expectations and there must be SOMETHING to what they are saying as Verizon doesn't simply hand out SIM cards like candy in a candy dish. Also, whether this person has unrealistic expectations of the phone or of when ICS was to be released is also irrelevant to the core issues.

You all know my position regarding the battery power of these devices and how much of an advocate I am regarding proper battery/authorized charger/meter maintenance and use. Instead of criticizing, how about lending a hand to a fellow who is down and frustrated? Talk about meter conditioning, avoiding battery levels below 15% if possible and never allowing it to got to 0%, about how he can use Smart Actions and other "power preservation" techniques to gain greater yield from his battery, how charging multiple times during the day and from not just the wall charger but also the car adapter and computer USB ports can help bridge the gap, how turning off 4G in areas where it is spotty will dramatically reduce power consumption, how turning down the display brightness and reducing the display timeout will also dramatically reduce consumption, how using WIFI in lieu of cellular data will also extend the battery...

Come on people, step up to the plate and "HELP".
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FoxKat said:
How about we try to focus on what the concerns are for the OP, on what we can do as users and lovers of our Droid RAZRs and keep the commentary to the plus side?

There are obviously issues that they are experiencing or there wouldn't be a complaint. Whether the OP is capable of diagnosing themselves is not the issue. Whether the OP has made the "right choice" for a phone or not is also irrelevant to the core issues. The phone obviously isn't performing to his/her expectations and there must be SOMETHING to what they are saying as Verizon doesn't simply hand out SIM cards like candy in a candy dish. Also, whether this person has unrealistic expectations of the phone or of when ICS was to be released is also irrelevant to the core issues.

You all know my position regarding the battery power of these devices and how much of an advocate I am regarding proper battery/authorized charger/meter maintenance and use. Instead of criticizing, how about lending a hand to a fellow who is down and frustrated? Talk about meter conditioning, avoiding battery levels below 15% if possible and never allowing it to got to 0%, about how he can use Smart Actions and other "power preservation" techniques to gain greater yield from his battery, how charging multiple times during the day and from not just the wall charger but also the car adapter and computer USB ports can help bridge the gap, how turning off 4G in areas where it is spotty will dramatically reduce power consumption, how turning down the display brightness and reducing the display timeout will also dramatically reduce consumption, how using WIFI in lieu of cellular data will also extend the battery...

Come on people, step up to the plate and "HELP".

Thank you! I am embarrassed by the responses because this is not what Droid Forums is about. It has always been welcoming and about helping and supporting people's problems/frustrations with their phones no matter how simple or complex.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
How about we try to focus on what the concerns are for the OP, on what we can do as users and lovers of our Droid RAZRs to help, and keep the commentary to the plus side?
Come on people, step up to the plate and "HELP".

Thank you! I am embarrassed by the responses because this is not what Droid Forums is about. It has always been welcoming and about helping and supporting people's problems/frustrations with their phones no matter how simple or complex.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums

You are both completely right, I apologize for mine and changed in completely. They kicked me out of my office at work this AM for a new Sales guy to use since I am just tech support. Was feeling a little less than empathetic.
It's a good man that can apologize. Hope you get your office back soon.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
It's a good man that can apologize. Hope you get your office back soon.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums

You and me both man, have this amazingly loud server whirring in the background not sure how my support calls to customers are going to go.