First time caller long time listener. I purchased my razr a week before the nexus came out for the simple reason that it seemed like a much better phone for me because it seemed like it could survive the apocalypse. I figured who needs the nexus with its ics, my phone is rather new it will come out with ics within a month or two. i went through months where 3g and 4g were practically non existent because of junk updates. Ive been through 2 sim cards. I have to charge my phone twice a day. And if thats not enough we have been strung out for months on ics release dates. And if morale wasnt already low, verizon hits us this week telling us we have to pay full price for our next phone if we want to keep our grandfathered in unlimited data. Its not like verizon gives us any deals in the first place. I always told myself i would never own anything apple after i got tricked into buying one of those easter egg looking imacs and was stuck with aol 4.0 while everyone else had 9.0. But now im considering jumping ship. at least then i dont have to get my hopes up every week for a new update that never comes, because apple never changes anything.
i know first world problems, but is anyone else feeling this frustration?
i know first world problems, but is anyone else feeling this frustration?