Shadow in the middle of the screen..


Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone else have weird circle in the middle of their screen?

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Does this show up on every screen?

Have you tried an alternative screen replacement?

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Yes on all screens as I scroll you can see it.

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There is a glow effect, which is like a 'blooming' effect of light that the Droid4 has as part of its animations when you swipe between the screens. It puts a brighter 'halo' light effect both on the screen and the icons for a few seconds, then fades and for the 2 or 3 seconds it does it, the icons will appear out of focus, then return to sharp clarity. I believe this is part of the gaudy animation effects and can be turned off. Unless of course you are talking about something that stays or is more permanent, then I don't know.
You just described what my phone is doing and yes it stays and it drives me crazy! I don't remember this happening to the Droid4 at the Verizon store. Going to have them look at it today. Thanks for the input.

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