Email account on Pro
Here's how I set up the email account, with notifications, for my wife's pro.( This is different from a straight Gmail account. I needed this because my wife's email comes through a server that she has to log onto to get into her email, which is a " account) Go to Settings, Accounts and Add an account. Select the Email icon. When the Enter your existing account screen comes up, enter the information. Deselect automatically configure account. You will get a screen with General Settings, Incoming server, Outgoing server and other.
General settings- I just left what defaulted in there. It's not that important
Incoming server-When you select it, you have the choice of IMAP or POP. I used IMAP because that is what she is using in her google corporate email. If the account you are starting is POP, then select that. For IMAP and her google mail, here are the settings:
server: ( I guess for POP it would be or maybe
user name:......@......
I selected secure connection and did not select verify certificate
Outgoing server:
port: 465 or whatever
secured connection checked.
I found these instructions on the Google Mail help site, under the ANDROID selection. Once you are configured you can open the email and go to Settings and set some notifications. The only ones you can set are vibrate and a ringtone, which occurs only once, but you can select a silent ringtone. It flashes a green LED for emails.
It would be nice to have a continuing notification for emails, somewhat similar to the Blackberry Alerts on the BB, but at the current time there aren't any android apps that do that correctly.