Security Apps

I think Droid Wall, a rule based firewall for Android truly is an essential security app. This is so those apps that could be sketchy can't phone home. What I mean is they will be apps that don't need any access to the internet to function correctly, yet thet still request connections wont be able to.

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If your careful about what you download then its not. Also, don't pirate apps or sideload apps in general. Thats how you end up getting rogue apps.

sent from a D2G with Liberty 2
I dont DL apps that arent from the market. The only thing I Dl that arent from the market is rom's and and icons for customization.
Then your fine. That last reply was mostly for the one above my post.

sent from a D2G with Liberty 2
I don't agree with not side loading at all. Many apps the dev will actually offer for free on sites such as df,xda etc. Also themed apps must be side loaded. Just be careful in where you get them from. If its not a reputable site don't do it.

Sent from my DX running. DS V4.2