Screen Sliding


Nov 16, 2009
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I apologize if this has its own thread already, but I did search.

Anyhow my problem is with the phone sliding open just a bit when it is in my pocket and I mean like maybe a 1/4 of an inch, but I am kinda ocd it it bugs me a bit, OK a lot. Has anyone else experienced this? If its not common I may return it for a droid with a tighter slide mechanism, which I would hate to do since I havent had a single problem otherwise.
Mine does it too. I can't wait till someone develops a case or holster that I like so it stops.
Mine also slides open a little, it turns itself on too. I had to put in a lock pattern to stop the phone from trying to open up apps. Going on a mission this week to find a decent holder.
Yeah I'm not sure about mine either . Right now I'm using my old ipod pouch for my droid. But what I've noticed on my second droid that it seems to slide a bit easier. I find that I can push it out easier than my first droid. I'm just a little scared that it'll get worse later but am really tired of reutrning stuff to verizon because last time it took me an hour for the employee to finally give me a new phone. My phone also runs great except for the sliding mechanism, I feel like I'm being paranoid and a little OCD.
I think I decided to go ahead and live with it, its not a huge deal and I am going to get a case.

I found a video review somewhere here on these forums for the snaponcase/holster combo that looks like it will pretty much be perfect I have to go to work in a few so later I will search for it. That case and holster combo looks like it will stop my ocd, and like I said I have had absolutely 0 problems with anything else on the phone so I would rather not play with fire.

Really Any snap on case is going to make it a bit harder to open the phone since the tabs go between the screen and keyboard adding extra friction.