Install the firmware/rom, or rename bloatware through root explorer, remove motorblur..many thing to save battery, dont use a task killer(just forceclose an app if it is stubborn and doesnt autoclose, using a task killer goes against how nandroid was built, it autofrees RAM, full ram and empty ram take the same ammount of battery power, constantly killing tasks and system auto reloading them onto ram will drain battery), dont use a program thats supposed to save your battery(juicedefender, screeble ect) because in reality it really drains it more. charge your battery for an hour or so after it says its fully charged as to let the 2 stage charger our phones come with equalize the voltage across cells. turn off your data when your not using it, set your screen brightness to as low as possible. disable haptic feedback on keypress.
The list is long, use the search button, read, keep reading, read some more, it never hurts, even if you find something out you didnt necessarily need to know, now you know it, you wont have to ask.