Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: Features that Use the Phone's Dual Edges


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Besides being aesthetically pleasing, it turns out the dual-edges on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge are more than just a sleek and beautiful new design hook. Apparently, Samsung found several handy features to make them useful as well. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Color-coded glowing caller ID notification - The edges of the Galaxy S6 Edge can actually be set to glow in various colors that you can customize for the person calling. You simply have to turn the edge light feature on and then assign colors using the People edge setting.
  2. Night Clock - The sidebar includes a Night Clock feature. With one glance at the side, you will know exactly how much more time you have left to sleep.
  3. Pin your contacts - here's something very handy for the social butterflies, and/or active team players. You can pin your contacts to the sidebar and color-code them too. This could be handy if there are some folks who you contact often.
  4. Customize which notifications will display on the side screens - Yes. With the edges of the S6 Edge, you can allow specific and customized notifications, (like email, texts, calls, etc.) to show up on the side edges. You can even color-code those as well. You can also pull on those tabs to activate them if you need to see more details or act on them.
  5. Information & News stream - you can set up an information and news stream to show up along the edge of the Galaxy S6 Edge.
  6. Locked phone info - along with the news and custom notifications, you can also set up locked phone info to display, like the status bar for example.
  7. Use the side-edge glow for mood lighting - this one is a bit odd. You can set the side-bar to glow, either to simply show off the device or to offer you mood lighting.

That's the main group of features for the edge on the Galaxy S6 Edge. They may be a bit gimmicky, but at least those expensive edges aren't going to waste. What do you guys think?

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