Sample Pics


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
OK, so I took some photos today, both indoors and outdoors. I wanted to post and see what you guys thought. I took them on default settings. I'm not too impressed with the camera and I'll try again after a software update, but see for yourself how they came out. Disappointed, but I have 2 dedicated cameras, so I'm not terribly upset. I took video too and I'm reviewing those now. Will report back.



Man, those top 2 pictures look amazing to me. The background in the first one is so clear, along with the front. The restaurant is a little blurry but for a camera on a phone it looks good enough for me. Can't wait to get mine. Interesting looking restaurant too, lol.
Man, those top 2 pictures look amazing to me. The background in the first one is so clear, along with the front. The restaurant is a little blurry but for a camera on a phone it looks good enough for me. Can't wait to get mine. Interesting looking restaurant too, lol.

Those were all taken at Downtown Disney here in Lake Buena Vista, FL. The restaurant is the T-Rex (sister restaurant to the Rainforest Cafe).

If you were to see the pics at full resolution, the quality would definitely be noticeable, but then again, if you're putting them on the web, or just printing out 4 x 6, then yes, they look pretty good. I'm a bit more discriminating though, and I didn't like what I saw at native 5 MP resolution. Not even close to the 5 MP cameras I used 5 years ago. So, it's going to be subjective.
I'm not too impressed with the camera

You expect better from a phone camera? Your pictures look Excellent online, which is where most people post their phone pics. Your dedicated cameras are for printable pictures.

Thanks for posting.:motdroidhoriz:
You could be right. So many people talk about the quality of a camera phone and no, they will never equal a standalone camera. I guess I'm being hard because before now, the highest res I've ever had was a 3.2 MP camera on the Storm and the Pre. I guess I was expecting more from a 5 MP camera, but if we are talking about putting on the web, maybe I am being too difficult?? I don't know.

Like I said...maybe I was expecting more.
OK, I have some sample video that I took indoors with the camera yesterday that I'm uploading via wi-fi now so I'll try and show how that compares. Remember, it's indoors, kinda dark, and it's a conference, so keep that in mind. Will have it linked to in a few minutes.

EDIT: Here's the video: [video=youtube;RYkkg43zuKo][/video]
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And finally, another sample video. This one outside on a relatively overcastday, but it's Florida, so it's not that bad. Just my daughter and the woman. Nothing special. I just get bothered that she waves at the other family and not at daddy holding the video camera.

[video=youtube;xbXOj_DClq0]"]YouTube - Alexis on merry-go-round[/video]
The video looks amazing to me. For a phone anyways. The first one didn't work on my droid but the second one did in hi res. I'm impressed.
Interesting that the first one didn't work. Did you get a specific error message? Maybe it was a setting that I did. These are actually the first two vids that I've posted to YouTube. This phone has made me actually want to do that more now. Never had a desire to do so on my Storm or my Pre.
It said "sorry, this video is not available."

I'm loving this phone already. Got mine yesterday and only put it down to sleep.:)
Here is a sample picture from the lobby of a building across the street from me.

Picture is pretty friggen crisp:

That's not bad at that resolution. Even printed, it would be a nice photo. It's not until you go up to full resolution that it looks blurry, but who cares? It looks great the way it is.

I hope others take some sample pics and videos so that we can see how they look. To me, this is kinda contrary to what most reviews have been saying.