s4 and cd player


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Jul 15, 2014
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I recently purchased a pioneer cd player that says it's compatible with android phones but when i plugged my phone into the cd player using the usb cord it said "check usb". Would be something caused by the fact i am not using a samsung usb cord?
I recently purchased a pioneer cd player that says it's compatible with android phones but when i plugged my phone into the cd player using the usb cord it said "check usb". Would be something caused by the fact i am not using a samsung usb cord?
Well that may be the reason behind the trouble in connecting with your device, I would say try changing the USB cord and if that again doesn't helps you try looking at the manual for any apps which has been recommended to download before connecting it with Android device as I think this might be the case.
Wasn't even aware they still made CD player units

But when you plug in your s4 to the unit, is it being picked up as an installer or MTP device? For instance, if you plug your s4 into a pc, it'll show up as an installer, so you'd need to bring down the notification bar and change the usb option to MTP device in order to transfer files and such. Give that a shot and see if that works.
+1 MTP should do it.