rumors of iphone to verizon tomorrow...

I said it wouldn't happen. Many times I said it wouldn't happen. I said it so many times that I thought I had to be wrong. But I wasn't wrong.:icon_ banana:
499$ for a iPad im getting its for att if u want 3g but u can cancel anytime sweet! no iphone for me tho droid all the way..i left my iphone for a droid and im damn happy
Mongoose: I was on at&t pre-iphone and shortly after it's release. It was pretty bad pre-iphones, and got even worse after. I'm in the third largest city in the country, they should have decent service here, but they failed at that.

But I agree, keep the iphone users on at&t.
499$ for a iPad im getting its for att if u want 3g but u can cancel anytime sweet! no iphone for me tho droid all the way..i left my iphone for a droid and im damn happy

It's a killer price for a tablet. I'm getting one too, but I don't think you need to purchase the data plan those. Why do you need the data plan? You already have a Droid for that purpose.
ugghhh please nooo! I used to think i'd like to have an iphone on the vz network, but now that I've experienced my droid... blah. I don't want all the iphone people cramming up the network and slowing my 3g down =) half j/k.

If or when they start carrying the iphone there will be a freaking ton of people jumping ship to get onto verizon...
ugghhh please nooo! I used to think i'd like to have an iphone on the vz network, but now that I've experienced my droid... blah. I don't want all the iphone people cramming up the network and slowing my 3g down =) half j/k.

If or when they start carrying the iphone there will be a freaking ton of people jumping ship to get onto verizon...

It wont happen for bout 2 yrs once apple announce the resigning of the contract. Speculation is that because att is going to an unlimited plan for the ipad and stick their necks out; apple will remain exclusive and announce iphone 4.0 for the network. one here i

i'm a little bit disappointed but i see this as a good thing in the long run for vzw 3g. let's keep the iphone on att's 3g network.

oh...that iPad is a joke. no built in thx.
And don't forget "NO FLASH PLAYER" who needs that large Ipod Touch POS.
It's like Presidente Jobs wants to ruin his own company.
Thank goodness for the droid.