[Rumor] Google Could Be Ready to Launch Android 5.0 Jelly Bean This Summer


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Dec 30, 2010
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DigiTimes, the online purveyor of interesting info from the world of tech just released a highly speculative report regarding Google's next iteration of Android. DigiTimes' record on such things is hit and miss, sometimes they nail the surprising exclusive that turns out to be big news, while other times their wild assertions turn out to be fodder. Still, for something this big, it bears reporting on the off chance that this time is the former rather than the later. According to their report, Google may be planning to launch Android 5.0, Jelly Bean, as early as this summer. Supposedly, Google's decision in this matter is motivated by a desire to beat Microsoft's Windows 8 to market.

This new Android is even further optimized for tablets, and has the unique ability to have dual operating system operation using Android 5.0 or the Google Chrome system, and be able to switch between the two. Here's a quote from the PhoneArena article with some final details,

According to DigiTimes, since Ice Cream Sandwich did not live up to expectations, some of Google's downstream partners are wary about Android 5.0. While the vast majority of Android users are weeks or months away from Android 4.0, it might seem strange to even be thinking about it now. But with Google I/O slowly coming into view (June 27-29th), it won't be too long until we start hearing all about Jelly Bean.

It's hard to know how to feel about this news. Obviously, the initial reaction is to deny it because it seems purely speculative; however, if it turns out to be true, then we are in the unenviable position of conflicting emotions. On the one had, it's always fun to get excited about a new Android OS. On the other hand, it seems like it would be way too soon to see Android 5.0, because, by this summer there still won't be very many devices running Ice Cream Sandwich. Share your thoughts on this crazy rumor.

Source: PhoneArena
Sweet! I am guess they will release it about 3 weeks before VZW starts rolling out ICS to the Razr and Rezound? Gotta love fragmentation...
I am 99% sure this is one of the "fodder" reports. Why would Google release another OS only 6 months after revealing ICS? They've been on a strict timeframe. Every year they release a Nexus device with the new OS. If this were even considered in the realm of possibility by Google, why wouldn't they just have skipped ICS?

If it does happen (which I can almost guarantee it won't), you're going to see even MORE pissed off Bionic, Razr, D3, and D4 owners. They'd never see JB on their devices.
I called this in antoher forum last week. Someone was complaining why it was taking so long for ICS to come out. I said its because they want to wait to wait until 2 months before they come out with a new OS. its just this summer since they started releasing GB, and not everyone got it initially either.
"Google's decision in this matter is motivated by a desire to beat Microsoft's Windows 8 to market."

We all know how well 3.0 worked out when they were in a rush to get it out.
it makes complete sense. there is a Nexus Tablet rumored to come out soon, and that would be a new nexus for a new OS...it would really spruce up the android Tablet game, which is really needed with Win8 and iPad3 around the corner of the rumored Jellybean release. bring it on!
it makes complete sense. there is a Nexus Tablet rumored to come out soon, and that would be a new nexus for a new OS...it would really spruce up the android Tablet game, which is really needed with Win8 and iPad3 around the corner of the rumored Jellybean release. bring it on!

Android 6.0 Cotton Candy in November! (See how rumors get started?)
Android 6.0 Cotton Candy in November! (See how rumors get started?)

yeah, i went to high school i know all about rumors bud. i even said "rumored release date". these posts are obviously just for fun and im throwing in my speculation to make it even more fun
I thought they've said they were trying to slow releases to about twice a year? So, yeah, every 6 months. Not sure if they meant major OS (like ICS or Froyo) or just any and all upgrades (so 4.2 this summer).
Its stuff like this that makes me want to get a Nexus phone. None of the manufactures will update their phones on a schedule like Google does and the dev community will update even past Google.
Sweet! I am guess they will release it about 3 weeks before VZW starts rolling out ICS to the Razr and Rezound? Gotta love fragmentation...

Eric Schmidt: Fragmentation? No, nothing to see here, move along, please. :biggrin:
I don't believe it for one second. No matter what google thinks, a lot of people were turned off from Android in the past year with the Honeycomb debacle. I've had every version since the Dream came out, and I'm to the point where the total OS overhaul every year is getting old. I think that this move would turn off a lot of people including some of the truly dedicated android enthusiasts.