rubiX Focused 1.9.0 Leak/Non-Leak

Sweet that totally worked. Thanks.

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Thanks here too, 5 diff apks I went through before trying the you posted works great.

At this point after a fresh SBF flash and install, shouldn't battery drain be fixed?

From 1.8.9 I switched to Apex, Fission, and others and I know for sure that I was getting way longer battery life.

I know people have mentioned work arounds, etc... but I have done the same steps I did on those roms. And on those roms even with waiting for cache to fill I still had awesome battery life.

I went from 100% last night to 50% about 3 hours ago. Then I installed 1.9.0 and battery is now dead.
is next version of rubix for .340 gonna include madden 2011

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is next version of rubix for .340 gonna include madden 2011

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

No. search the forums for "madden".. It's available as a separate install..\
sorry if it has been answered. if say i was on the leak .32 and then now were on the official .34 and back on track. are we just able to install the non leaked version of rubix instead of having to do the leak then patch?
sorry if it has been answered. if say i was on the leak .32 and then now were on the official .34 and back on track. are we just able to install the non leaked version of rubix instead of having to do the leak then patch?

Non-leak is for 2.3.15.
Leak is for 2.3.320/2.3.340.