RSD Lite (yeah, I know)


May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Okay. So I've been messing with uploading an SBF file to my DX.

I've done practically everything. Followed other websites, renamed the file, looked at the error log, researched that, tried a different computer (XP), tried relocating the file to another part of the drive (C:, My Documents, Desktop, RSD Lite folder)

Here's my specs:

Win 7 (x64) Home Premiuem
RSD Lite 4.9
VRZ_MB810_2.3.34_1FF_01.sbf (not corrupt) (downloaded 3 times)
Phone's charged 100% in bootloader mode. 30.04

Anyone please help? I'm at a loss right now.

Here's my error log:
14:43:09, March 31, 2011
Line: 868
ERROR: \\?\c:\users\andrew\desktop\x1234567.sbfñr uåú contains an invalid path.
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashFileIO.cpp

14:43:09, March 31, 2011
Line: 552
ERROR: The superfile specified does not exist
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0

EDIT: Fixed it myself. Was looking for help but no one could help me in time for me to figure it out. If anyone cares: I was trying to upload 2.3.340 and it turns out that the file wouldn't flash. So I went to 2.3.32 and flashed it, changed the amount of letters on the .sbf file, and uploaded 2.3.32.
I'm having the same problem RSD Lite will not recognize the 2.3.340 file. Does this mean that I need to flash 2.3.32 to get back?