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RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA



- I Hope that this guide serves as a place for people new to the Android Scene, more specifically the DroidX can ask their questions, and hopefully find their answers. I dont mind helping people out-side of this thread either, i am able to be contacted at the following.

Email - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
Gtalk - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
AIM - RoOoLeRxx
Twitter - @RoOoLeR - Twitter

Thanks to TheChin this guide is now available in .pdf format for safe keeping. it can be downloaded -> http://bit.ly/gwmDZa right there! its currently version 1.1 and will keep it updated whenever and update occurs on the thread.

RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA

I am not responsible of what you may do to your phone with this information. That is totally in your hands. However this guide is a Legit guide to helping you gain Root Access and also Loading custom ROMS. Also i did NOT make the programs that are used i simply constructed a step by step guide on how to use them.

Before we get into Specific's on how to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA Some people may want to know what is Root?

What is ROOT? And why do we want it?

"In Windows lingo it is the same as an Administrative account. In laymen terms this account holds all the keys, it is the gate keeper so to speak. This account can unlock or lock down permissions for users, programs and any thing else requesting them including itself.

When you first recieve your phone you only have user permissions. These permissions only allow you to see, access, or change certain directories and files on your phone. When in reality there are many more. By gaining root or "superuser" permissions you have access to these additional directories and files including the /system directory. With this additional access we can change every aspect of our phones including adding features. Some very desirable (Free WiFi Tethering ), some not so desirable (Paper weight mode ).

By gaining root we can theme our phones. This is the same as theming anything else you just change the look of the existing UI (User Interface). We can also change our ROM. Changing our ROM allows us to actually change the UI. What changes you ask? Well that all depends on the ROM and what the Developer changed. Basically anything the Dev thinks of and has the knowledge to program/change." Credit -> overfiendx


Deodexed ROMs have their .apk's (which are basically the application packages) repackaged in a certain way. An "odex" can be thought of as a collection of parts of applications that have been pulled out and optimized before booting. This speeds up the boot process - in a way, it preloads part of the applications - but it also makes hacking those apps difficult because part of the original code is already extracted somewhere else.

Deodexing is just a process of putting those pieces back into the original applications. It takes a while to extract those parts and build the .dex cache (aka Dalvik cache), but only because the relevant parts aren't in an easy-to-access place for the system. The advantage of this is that an app can be modified effectively and the developer doesn't have to worry about conflicts from the separate odex part of the code.

So, short version: "Deodexed" ROMs have all their apps put back together. If an app can be themed, for example, a deodexed version of that app will not get messed up when the modified .apk tries to mesh with the odex of the original un-modified .apk. Because it's not there.

If you want an aftermarket theme, you need a deodexed ROM. I'm not sure if deodexing can be done to individual apps within a non-deodexed ROM.Credit -> SilverZero


You will never find an odexed theme since the odex file would contain things that needed to be changed, thus themes are deodexed. Themes basically just replace the .apk or .jar with their version, which wouldn't work on an odexed rom.

Basically, Android uses a a java based virtual machine as the bases for running programs. This virtual machine is called Dalvik. A .dex file contains the cache used by the Dalvik VM (called Dalvik-cache) for a program and is stored inside the .apk. A .odex file is an optimized version of the .dex file which gets stored next to the .apk as opposed to inside the .apk. This process is done by default to system apps. Deodexing is the process of converting the .odex files back into .dex to be stored inside the .apk so that things can be more easily modified. So a deodexed rom is one that has been through the deodexing process. Deodex can just as easily be called Unodex or any other pre-fix you wish to use.Credit -> faster3200

More Information to Come*
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- I Hope that this guide serves as a place for people new to the Android Scene, more specifically the DroidX can ask their questions, and hopefully find their answers. I dont mind helping people out-side of this thread either, i am able to be contacted at the following.

Email - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
Gtalk - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
AIM - RoOoLeRxx
Twitter - @RoOoLeR - Twitter

--- I do not expect to receive donations however i am a Fulltime-Student trying to make it to grad school. If you feel like i have helped you enough outside of this thread on a personal level that i deserve something i appreciate it! --> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=94UXHPNBMS32E

Thanks to TheChin this guide is now available in .pdf format for safe keeping. it can be downloaded -> http://bit.ly/gwmDZa right there! its currently version 1.1 and will keep it updated whenever and update occurs on the thread..


I am not responsible of what you may do to your phone with this information. That is totally in your hands. However this guide is a Legit guide to helping you gain Root Access and also Loading custom ROMS. Also i did NOT make the programs that are used i simply constructed a step by step guide on how to use them.

ROOTING DROIDX 2.2 OTA Way #1 One Click Root

In this Guide we will ROOT our Droid X 2.2 OTA with Sil3ntKi113 RootMyX2 Program

Download .Net Framework 3.0 Here
Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package

Download Drivers here
USB and PC Charging Drivers - Motorola, Inc. USA

Download the RootMyX2.zip Program Here Credit goes to Sil3ntKi113

1- Install .net Framework 3.0
2- Install ALL drivers for the phone
3- Install the Program

NOTE for Windows 7 - Apparently you should be running this as Administrator.
Shift > Right Click RootMyX2.exe then press "Run as Administrator
" Sil3ntKi113

Next Lets Root The Phone
1- Pull the battery out of your DROID X and wait 10-20 seconds
2- Put the battery back in and let the phone Boot Up
3- Plug your DROID X into the computer (Make SURE you have went to Setting -> Applications -> Development -> and Check USB DEBUGGING BEFORE you connect it to the computer)
4- Pull your notification Bar down and select your DROIDX to be in Windows SYNC Mode
5- Launch the program RootMyX2
6- it will check for the phone and so on
7- Click the button "ROOT MY DEVICE"
8- it should now act like it is doing something
9- After 1 - 5 Minutes the program should say Completed or something similar to that.
10 - once you have seen a sign from the program that your phone is finished. Close out of the program and right click your DROID X and hit eject (or however you windows people do it

11- You should now be rooted

Edit* If the RootMyX2 program "Hangs" at Checking for device. You may need to cycle through your USB Option Windows Sync Mode / USB Mass Storage / PC Mode / Charge Only
. Also try running the root program with the phone Connected into one of the different modes. It doesn't have to be ran with Windows Sync Mode. its just the mode that has reported the greatest success.

Edit* If the RootMyX2 program "Hangs" at Checking for device, even after trying the Above step. Take the battery out of your DroidX and wait a few moments and boot the phone up. Then try the program again.

Edit* If the phone is hanging at .bin after it has started. Then make sure that you do the following. Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> (Enable) USB Debugging

"PS" - to check this, go to your app drawer and look for an app with a "NINJA" or a “SKULL AND CROSS BONES” on it called super user.

ROOTING DROIDX 2.2 OTA Way #2 One Click Root Application

Z4ROOT is a one click root app that works with the DroidX. once the App is installed, follow the directions to root your phone. (This app has worked for some users, and Not worked for others.) One nice feature about this app, is that is also has a one click UnRoot button.

Places to Acquire z4root

http://www.filesonic.com/file/31931075 (Older Version)

- Once you have downloaded and installed the file.
- Open Z4Root
- Select Permanent Root (this option works with the DroidX i dont know about other phones.)
- The phone should begin doing its thing, and then reboot.
- (it has been reported that some peoples phone has taken up to 10 minutes to fully run the program, while others it works within seconds.)

ROOTING DROIDX 2.2 OTA Way #3 Manual Root

Manual Root/Unroot Guide Fix
->-> Root your phone without your PC
->-> This works for the DX on 2.2 (May work for 2.1 and other phones (D2) but I have not tested)
->-> Droidxforums, Roooler, and Myself take no resposibility for any damage this may directly or indirectly cause your phone.
->-> By following this guide YOU take all responsibility for the outcome good or bad.

I Take no credit for the methods used here. They are a combination of information I found at various sites.
I only read, retained, reworded, and regurgitated it. Hopefully in an easy to understand and follow form.


Required Apps and Files
- Visit the market and grab the free Android Terminal Emulator by Jack Palevich.
- Visit the market and grab ES File Explorer by Estrongs.
- Use the Browser and grab rageagainstthecage-arm5.zip with your phone @

->File Preperation<-
- Open ES File Manager (Make sure your are @ the local folders. Either select the Local tab or in the -upper right select Local from the pop out)
- Scroll to the download folder and tap it.
- Now long press on the rageagainstthecage-arm5.zip file and press extract to->
current path-> OK
- You will now see 4 additional files in the download folder (rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, su, superuser.apk, and busybox)

->Device Preperation<-
-From any Home screen, press Menu -->
Settings -->Applications -->Development -->Check USB Debugging to enable it.
->This step may not need done but if you are having trouble it can help<-
-Power down your DX -->
Remove battery door -->Pull the battery -->Replace the battery --> Power on your DX

- Open the Android Terminal Emulator and you will see a user prompt $
- Type in the following lines exactly (Minus line numbering and anything in parentheses)
- cd /tmp
- cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/
- chmod 777 rage*.bin
- ./rage*.bin (This will may take a minute or two, just wait for the $ to show back up so you know it is done)
- Press your Home button then goto Settings-> Applications-> Manage Applications-> Terminal - Emulator-> Force Stop
- Open Terminal Emulator again and make sure you have a su (Superuser) prompt # then type in the following lines.
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- cp /sdcard/download/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
- cp /sdcard/download/su /system/bin/su
- cp /sdcard/download/busybox /system/bin/busybox
- chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
- chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot

-- You are now rooted. To prove this goto the market and install a root only app.
If you plan on any major changes I suggest Droid X Bootstrapper (This will allow for the creation of an Android Backup)

UN-Rooting DROIDX 2.2 OTA Manual UN-Root

READ COMPLETELY-> This will only work if you never used a rom or a theme. This will only work if you just rooted to use apps that required root.

-> If you used a theme, rom, or removed propriatary apps, you will need a nandroid backup from just after rooting. Just restore your nandroid backup and then follow this guide.

->->Bootstrap, clockworkmod, & Su/root removal<-<-
->->Proceed in order if all 3 used<-<-
->->Skip to end for root removal only<-<-

->Uninstall Droid X Bootstrapper<-
- Settings -> Applications-> manage applications (Find Bootstrapper from here and press uninstall)
- Reboot your phone.

->Remove Clockworkmod<-
- su
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- rm /system/bin/logwrapper
- rm /system/bin/hijack
- cp /system/bin/logwrapper.bin /system/bin/logwrapper
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot


->Removing SU/ROOT<-
- Open the Android Terminal Emulator and you will see a user prompt $
- su (Now you should see a # symbol. This is the SU (Superuser) command prompt)
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
- rm /system/bin/su
- rm /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot

That's it you are unrooted. To prove it try to get a SU prompt in Android Terminal Emulator.
Open the Android Terminal Emulator and you will see a user prompt $
Type in "su" no quotes. No # symbol this time, no root access either.

---- HUGE thanks to overfiendx for writing up the manual "How To's"!
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- I Hope that this guide serves as a place for people new to the Android Scene, more specifically the DroidX can ask their questions, and hopefully find their answers. I dont mind helping people out-side of this thread either, i am able to be contacted at the following.

Email - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
Gtalk - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
AIM - RoOoLeRxx
Twitter - @RoOoLeR - Twitter

--- I do not expect to receive donations however i am a Fulltime-Student trying to make it to grad school. If you feel like i have helped you enough outside of this thread on a personal level that i deserve something i appreciate it! --> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=94UXHPNBMS32E

Thanks to TheChin this guide is now available in .pdf format for safe keeping. it can be downloaded -> http://bit.ly/gwmDZa right there! its currently version 1.1 and will keep it updated whenever and update occurs on the thread.


I am not responsible of what you may do to your phone with this information. That is totally in your hands. However this guide is a Legit guide to helping you gain Root Access and also Loading custom ROMS. Also i did NOT make the programs that are used i simply constructed a step by step guide on how to use them.​


1 – Download Kousch’s DroidX Bootstrap Available At http://www.koushikdutta.com OR
Koush Releases DROID X Bootstrap, Allows Full Nandroid Backups, Custom ROMs - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
2 – Open Bootstrap and click the top option “BootStrap Recovery”
3 - Then click “Reboot Recovery”.
8- The phone will turn off, and then show the "M" logo.
9- A black window with "Green" font will appear this is called ClockWork (You navigate through this with your volume UP and DOWN button and also the Camera button is the "Enter" button. the Back Button will take you backwards.
10 - you want to navigate to the heading that says "Backup and Restore" click the Camera Button all the way in.
11 - Once in the heading, you should see the heading, "Backup" "Restore" "Advanced Restore"

Backup = Make a Backup of your Current Phone State
Restore = Restore a previous made backup of your phone
Advanced = don't worry about for now.

12 - Click Backup, Then navigate down to YES and click it. (Your phone will now start Backing up your Current Phone state (This is incase something goes terribly wrong, you have a back up it is MUST DO!!!!!!!)
13 - After the back up navigate back to the main Menu and click "Reboot System"
14 - phone should start up like normal
15 - go to the android market and download "Titanium Backup" (makes a backup of all your current User applications)
16 - open titanium backup and hit Menu -> settings -> "Batch" then look for [Run] "Backup all user apps) select it.
17 - you are now ready to load a [ROM] so we need to download one and get cookin.

Abe21599 suggested finding the backups on your sdcard and renaming them to something that you will remeber. for example naming a backup -> (0-21-2010beforerubixrom.zip) so you know what the backup is. You can find them at: /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup

Backup Contacts EDIT* Some [ROMS] do not support the "Backup Assistant" on our phones. This can cause a major headache once you flash the [ROM] and find out that your contacts are no longer with you. Here is a good way to create a backup of your contacts. Go to Contacts -> Menu -> More -> Import/Export -> Export Contacts to SD Card this will create a backup of your contacts info on your SD Card. so when you flash a new [ROM] repeat the steps but choose Import this time.


Some people may not know how to restore a backup once it has been made. so here are the steps.

1. Open Bootstrap and once again click the top option “BootStrap Recovery”
2. Followed by clicking the lower option “Reboot Recovery”.
3. The phone should now Reboot into ClockWork.
4. Navigate down to Backup/Restore and select it.
5. Inside here you should see "Restore" select it.
6. Now you should see the "Backups" that you have made. Hopefully you took Abe21599 advice, and renamed your "Backups" so you know what one you want to restore.
7. Select the backup you want to restore.
8. You should now see a screen with a bunch of (No's) and one (Yes).
9. If this is the correct backup you want navigate to the (Yes) and select it.
10. Sit back relax and wait while your phone is restored.

Sometimes if you are needing to Restore your phone. You may not be able to power it on and get all the way to Bootstrap.(Incase something went wrong with a [ROM] Install). Follow these steps to Boot into Recovery. Via the phone being powered off.

With the phone being Powered off.

1 - Hold down “Home” and press “Power” until the Motorola logo appears.
2 - Release ”Power” and continue to hold “Home” until an exclamation appears.
3 - Release “Home” and press the “Search” button once.
4 - Your phone will now enter recovery.

Source = http://phandroid.com/2010/07/21/how-to-boot-the-droid-x-into-recovery-mode/

Guide to restoring your Droid X to stock 2.2 OTA VIA RSD Lite "SBF"

->-> Droidxforums, Roooler, and Myself take no resposibility for any damage this may directly or indirectly cause your phone.
->->By following this guide YOU take all responsibility for the outcome good or bad.

I Take no credit for the methods used here. They are a combination of information I found at various sites.
I only read, retained, reworded, and regurgitated it for you. Hopefully in an easy to understand and follow form.


***Required Files and Hardware***

- Motorola USB drivers (Windows 32 bit) (Windows 64 bit)
- RSD Lite 4.8 (Get It Here) No longer needs patched.
- Droid X 2.2 SBF (Get It Here)
- USB 2.0


- Unzip the 2.2 sbf to a working/temp folder
- Open RSD Lite, tap the “…” button
- Select the SBF file that you just unzipped
a- Now we need to boot your phone into bootloader
b- With your phone Powered OFF do the following
c- HOLD the Volume Down Button + Camera Button + Power Button
d- You should see a small screen flash.. once u do release the buttons
- You should now see your phone in RSD Lite.
- You may need to click show devices in RSD Lite.
- Click the start button and allow your phone to flash 2.2
- Wait for the proccess to complete and then unplug your phone.
- Now reboot your phone Good Job your all done!
e- When you boot your phone up for the first time you might get stuck in a boot loop NO WORRIES!
f- If stuck in a boot loop do the following!
- When you boot for the first time you may get stuck
g- Pull the battery out of the phone.
h- Replace battery and then do the following with the phone powered OFF
i- HOLD Home and turn the Phone On. When you see an android with a exclamation mark Release HOME and press the Search Button.
- Use the volume up/down buttons to highlight the option “wipe data/factory reset”
- Press the camera button to select it
- When it finishes choose the option to reboot your phone
- That's it you are now back to stock 2.2 OTA

Credit -> Overfiendx
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- I Hope that this guide serves as a place for people new to the Android Scene, more specifically the DroidX can ask their questions, and hopefully find their answers. I dont mind helping people out side of this thread either, i am able to be contacted at the following.

Email - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
Gtalk - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
AIM - RoOoLeRxx
Twitter - @RoOoLeR - Twitter

Thanks to TheChin this guide is now available in .pdf format for safe keeping. it can be downloaded -> http://bit.ly/gwmDZa right there! its currently version 1.1 and will keep it updated whenever and update occurs on the thread.

RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA

I am not responsible of what you may do to your phone with this information. That is totally in your hands. However this guide is a Legit guide to helping you gain Root Access and also Loading custom ROMS. Also i did NOT make the programs that are used i simply constructed a step by step guide on how to use them.​



There are TWO common ways to INSTALL a ROM. here is the FIRST WAY.

1 - Download the rom of your choice and place it on the "ROOT” of your SD CARD in the downloaded .ZIP format.
2 - Open BootStrap Recovery, FIRST select Bootstrap Recovery and SECOND select Reboot Recovery.
3 - The phone will boot to the "M" logo and then again to the black screen with Green font known as "ClockWork".

*If you are going to a new ROM and it is suggested that you Wipe DATA / CACHE please follow steps A-C, if not continue onto step 4.*
A - Navigate to Mounts and Storages
B - Select the option "Format Cache" Once this done continue on to step "C".
C - Select the option 'Format Data" Once this is done using your Back Button Navigate back to the main menu.​
4- Navigate to "Install .zip from SD CARD" may be worded different but same thing.
5- Find the [ROM] .zip on the SD card and hit Install.
6- Sit back and give it about 5-10 minutes once it is completed go back and hit Reboot System

SD Card Root EDIT*
What is the ROOT of my SD Card? Its the Home Directory. Like on your computer when you access a usb drive. It will open at the root of the drive. Example would be e:/ that is the root of drive e. When you access your SD Card you want sdcard/ you will see other files and folders there as well. -overfiendx

1 - Download ROM manager from the Android market.
2 - Open DroidX BootStrap and select the top option. Then Proceed to open ROM Manager.
3 - Click download ROMS
4 – Look through the Developers and find the ROM of your choice, and click download. This will take some time to download once it is downloaded you will be given the options of (Make backup of current ROM and Wipe data/Cache.. Put a Check Mark in Both Boxes. Assuming that’s what the Dev tells you, and or you need/want to make a backup of your current ROM)
5- After you choose your check marks and hit OK, The Phone will Reboot and do its thing.
6- After the ROM has been install it will either say completed, or reboot automatically. if it doesn't reboot automatically then just navigate back to the main menu and hit Reboot System.
7 - Whenever you install a new ROM, it can take up to 10 Minutes for the phone to fully boot up

Once the phone has booted up it will take you through the steps as if your phone is BRAND NEW (assuming you wiped data/cache). Just follow it all and you will be good to go. After you have went through the setup process go to the market and download Titanium Backup and then like I said before go to menu -> settings -> Batch -> RUN Restore all user apps

After that, it just takes time setting your home screen back up.

Thanks To the following People
Abe21599 - For reviewing the materiel and suggestions
mxgregg - First person who prompt me to write the guide.
overfiendx - Tremendous time dedicated to keeping this thread current!

Of course the developers who put their hard work into these apps!
Koush - For Bootstrap Recovery
Sil3ntKi113 - For RootMyX2 Program

If i have not given credit to someone, it was not intentionally. It is an honest mistake.


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- I Hope that this guide serves as a place for people new to the Android Scene, more specifically the DroidX can ask their questions, and hopefully find their answers. I dont mind helping people out side of this thread either, i am able to be contacted at the following.

Email - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
Gtalk - RoOoLeRxx@gmail.com
AIM - RoOoLeRxx
Twitter - @RoOoLeR - Twitter

Thanks to TheChin this guide is now available in .pdf format for safe keeping. it can be downloaded -> http://bit.ly/gwmDZa right there! its currently version 1.1 and will keep it updated whenever and update occurs on the thread.

RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA

I am not responsible of what you may do to your phone with this information. That is totally in your hands. However this guide is a Legit guide to helping you gain Root Access and also Loading custom ROMS. Also i did NOT make the programs that are used i simply constructed a step by step guide on how to use them.

Guide to Overclocking your DroidX Via Jrummys DroidX Overclocking App

Jrummy has made a very slick application for the DroidX that is very "Noob" friendly in terms of overclocking your phone. You must have Root access if you dont have it look above :p.

+ Full overclock CUSTOMIZATION
+ Select high, low, medium, ultra low
+ Set frequencies @ boot
+ WIDGET w/ battery temp. + freq
+ EXTRAS for ALL phones: ad blocker, apps2sd, cache manager, prop edits, free memory, market history
+ CPU profiles: Charging/Full, Charging AC/Full, Charging USB/Full, Screen Off, Battery, Temperature
+ Import/export profiles
+ Settings to change preferences for:
+ Theme
+ Boot delay time
+ Method of boot service
+ Profile delay
+ Disable popups
+ Reboot issues fixed for 2.2.1
+ Apply CPU on boot
+ Updated Help
+ Updated UI

First thing you need to do (after you have Root) is to download the App. It can be found in the market for a small price by searching "Overclock" or at the following.

Droid Overclock - Android app on AppBrain
QR -

Once you have obtained the App its time to begin.

1- Open the App and select Set Scaling Frequencies
2- Once inside your able to choose your Voltage.
3- Once the Chosen voltage has been selected you are now able to pick your frequency.
4- Once you have chosen the frequency you are all done.
While others have overclocked successfully above 1.3ghz i suggest being a little conservative.
Now there are some dangers in doing this.. i suggest you have a Nandroid backup of your current phones state before you attempt doing this..

Also DO NOT set the App to automatically take effect on Boot before you have tested out what settings you want to run at a minimum of two days.. You need to make sure that it is stable, Well what do i mean by stable? Simply put overclocking your phone has the potential to freeze it or cause it to keep rebooting. So thats why you should run one setting for a day or two at a time to make sure its stable and not making the phone keep rebooting.


*** I will add this later.. I have some stuff to attend to for the time being. this is just a "Rough" Start.
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Rooler I just wanted to say thank you for this great thread. It really helped me with a number of questions I have and I saved it as a .pdf for quick reference. While I am no stranger to messing with my smartphones turning them into a brick is not one I wish to add as a specialty. Keep up the good work.
roooler has been an EXCELLENT help! His thread has helped me root my phone, remove bloatware, etc. He has answered all my questions on GTALK, spent over 2 hours explaining me everything about rooting. Help with ADB, overclocking all step by step! Also, what to stay away from so I don't brick my phone. This thread should be STICKYED, this thread has excellent information and I'm sure he will be putting more up as it grows.
*Added a file link to download this guide in .pdf format thanks to TheChin! If anyone has any feedback to post about this guide i would appreciate it.
My computer wont let me install the Motorola Driver, it says error when trying to write it. Is there another way I can download that? Its a problem with my computer that doesn't like me downloading stuff like that....
My computer wont let me install the Motorola Driver, it says error when trying to write it. Is there another way I can download that? Its a problem with my computer that doesn't like me downloading stuff like that....

All those are.....Are the drivers for your device, so your computer recognizes it.. Do you already have the drivers installed? does your computer see your phone as a device?
My computer wont let me install the Motorola Driver, it says error when trying to write it. Is there another way I can download that? Its a problem with my computer that doesn't like me downloading stuff like that....

All those are.....Are the drivers for your device, so your computer recognizes it.. Do you already have the drivers installed? does your computer see your phone as a device?

? idk if they are installed or not? The zips are downloaded I know that....On the windows media sync it recognizes it but it only recognizes the camera, not the whole phone? It doesn't recognize my phone on anything else. Then when I say fix that problem it wants a cd!
Well since you say the computer doesnt recognize the phone on anything else.. then they are not installed ;) ... the Drivers must be instaleld in order for you to gain Root Access this way..

However, you can download z4root off the market and Root that way