DeOdexing and leaving some behind.... ?


Aug 25, 2010
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So while I have the Bionic Rooted.... I want to modify some of the apk's. xUltimate is busy updating the DeOdex program and hasn't quite got to this.... at least I don't think he has. Using xUltimate 2.3.1 I started DeOdexing files and the program hangs on some files. No error... just hangs.

The question is... If I pull the APK file and ODEX file for the ones that are hanging.... can I DeOdex the rest of the files... copy all of them to the phone... and leave the apk and odex file for the ones that didn't deodex.

I'm assuming that the apk / odex is file specific and shouldn't affect the rest of the files that did DeOdex correctly.

While I'm thinking about it, doesn't the framework and services.jar need to be modified in the first place?
Ok... premature post.

I did the DeOdex of origi_app and it hang on only one file. BlurCalendar.apk

I removed that file and it's odex file and re-ran it. It finished the rest of the files without issue.
Then I did option 3 for origi_framework. Went through the whole folder without hanging or any issues. I didn't remove any files from it.

Can I just delete the odex file and just put the BlurCalendar.apk in the done_app folder and finish the job?
I don't think that will work.

You may have already been told this but I would hold off until the Bionic either has a custom recovery or an SBF is obtained.

The path you are going down has a high bricking probability and without any way to recover, your new Bionic may turn into a paperweight.
Yes. I am aware of that. I'm just doing my preparation and trying to get most of it ready. Hopefully the Droid Bootstrapper will get designed for the Bionic soon. I just wasn't sure if I could leave the odex file with the blurcalendar and just put it back on the phone.

On another note, I tried using the latest baksmali to deodex the BlurCalendar.odex file, but it errored out. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.