#) Safestrap installation
#) Notification widgets
#) Init.d hack
#) Adrenaline shot mod
#) Modified build.prop
#) Longer wifi scan interval
#) Brighter camera LED flash
#) Modified & improved video low-light recording fps
#) Improved battery life
#) 1% battery increment mod
#) Deodexed
#) Debloated
#) Atrix camera app (faster camera)
#) ICS AOSP News/Weather widget
#) ICS menu/settings icons
0) If you already have Safestrap installed and enabled, skip to step 7. Otherwise, start at 1.
1) Remove any bootstraps that you currently have installed.
2) Install Droid3Safestrap.APK (DOWNLOAD HERE)
3) Tap "Install Recovery"
4) Turn off device, enter CWM Recovery
5) Make a backup if you are not already using Safestrap
6) Toggle Safe System to ENABLED using the Safe System Menu (near the bottom of the main menu).
7) Wipe data/cache
8) Wipe data/cache again
9) Install .zip from SD card
10) Reboot
1) Follow steps above, then:
2) Go to /system/ and open build.prop to change "ro.mot.phonemode.vzwglobalphone=1" at line 149 to "ro.mot.phonemode.vzwglobalphone=0"
3) Then, place THIS file into /system/lib/ and overwrite the current file.
4) Reboot, should work!
#) Little tweaks
#) Car dock rotation
#) A couple .9 images
Download, changelog, and credits can be found on my DarkDroid website.
Please post any problems you come across.
This is also my first ever attempt at anything like this. I think it turned out quite nice.
If you want a signature bar, here is the image: