About CleanROM
CleanROM was designed to be a cleaned up Verizon Stock ROM with minor features and enhancements! This is not a themed ROM. All HTC and Google Apps are up to date as of 1/28/2012. ROM is de-odexed and based on official Verizon OTA 2.01.605.11.
If you liked CleanTOOL you are going to LOVE CleanROM!
You must read notes in post #2 before flashing!

Removed VZW Bloat
Performance and Battery Tweaks
ES File Explorer
WiFi Tether and VZW Hotspot
Battery Icon with Percent
4-in-1 Power Menu
Extended Quick Settings
No Location Icon
Adobe Reader, Block Buster, NFL, Golf, Kindle, Slacker, Polaris Office, App Sharing, FaceBook, Flicker, NFS, MY Verizon, VCast Music, VCast Video, Video Surf, VZ Nav, Back Up Assistance, Scan, Twitter, Footprints, Mobile Instant Messenger, Tasks, Watch, Printer
Changes in Version 1.6 - 1/28/2012
Rebuilt: OTA Update 2.01.605.11
Added: All Social Networking and VZW Frameworks for easy integration and one less step to deal with
Updated: All apps
Updated: Mainver to 2.01.605.11
Changed: ROM now will reboot to fastboot to auto install kernel. Remember this method will change mainver.
Removed: Ad blocking host file for now