Rezound now or Edge later?


I forgot to mention it will come with ics and a 4.5" display and a larger camera sensor. Im sure ics will be ported to the rezound soon but the larger screen will be nice. I will wait a little longer to see if the price on rezound comes down and to see if a possible release date for the edge is rumored. I don't want to wait 5 months, but I could wait 2 months!
ICS is a non issue the time it comes out, the Rezound will have it as well. So will lots of other phones.

It really comes down to how impatient you are. I am very impatient, so I got the best phone available (IMO) on the day my contract allowed me to. If you can wait two months, then it is very likely something better will be out by then. I have not seen any upcoming phones that really add anything except quad core...but that alone might be reason enough to wait for a lot of people.

I would not base your decision on price or ICS though. Get the best phone you can afford when you are ready to is not worth suffering buyer's remorse for 20 months just to save $50 IMO. Likewise it is kinda pointless to base a decision on ICS when lots of phones will have it soon anyway. Hardware > Software. You can always upgrade software later.


If you can wait that long, but I would say it won't be released probably later than that. So it could probably still be another 3-5 months maybe. But how knows..

If you have patience though, my advice is to wait. After all, worst case scenario is that you just end up buying the Rezound (or Nexus or whatever) at a cheaper price, right?

Im glad all of you rezound owners are happy with it but I just didn't feel it was that great. Way too thick of a phone, and with the extended battery the rezound is very bloated!
Heh, I felt exactly the opposite actually. Since I've had the extended battery, the phone is much easier to handle IMO. I dont have to worry about gripping it only at the sides anymore (which I had to before to avoid fingerprints on the front or activating icons or whatever).

I understand the appeal of "thin" for most people though. For me personally it doesn't add anything and actually makes the phone harder to use.


Silver Member

If you have patience though, my advice is to wait. After all, worst case scenario is that you just end up buying the Rezound (or Nexus or whatever) at a cheaper price, right?

Heh, I felt exactly the opposite actually. Since I've had the extended battery, the phone is much easier to handle IMO. I dont have to worry about gripping it only at the sides anymore (which I had to before to avoid fingerprints on the front or activating icons or whatever).

I understand the appeal of "thin" for most people though. For me personally it doesn't add anything and actually makes the phone harder to use.

I don't like the thin phone trend at all! Lighter sure, but I see no advantage to thin.


Thin does look cooler and is good for bragging rights. Women especially like thin phones (my sister loved that about her Galaxy S1).

Thin to me = harder to handle and more fragile.


I don't like the thin phone trend at all! Lighter sure, but I see no advantage to thin.

Advantage is it doesn't bulge from your pocket making it uncomfortable to sit down. My nexus was hardly noticeable even though it is a wide phone, bur it is thin!

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These threads always come up "should I wait for y, or just get x now." And always there is the mantra "just wait, in 6 months so and so will be out, which will blow away today's phones."

However, following that logic to its end, you would never buy any phone, because just around the corner will be a better phone. Always, because technology is never going to "top out" or hit a ceiling.

Still if you are really worried about eminent releases, and are patient, then just wait. You'll get your quad-core and hopefully be content, right around the same time rumors drop about octo-cores ;)

Rezound is the best phone for ME - but it's not perfect, and while I'm a fan of the phone, I won't religiously defend its credentials or take a vow of allegiance to a phone.

There may be better phones out now, and there certainly will be in the future. Then again, are you going to sit on the sidelines forever?

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Advantage is it doesn't bulge from your pocket making it uncomfortable to sit down. My nexus was hardly noticeable even though it is a wide phone, bur it is thin!
For me it was not as noticeable as the width. Sitting down I always felt like it was break because it was thin. The bulk isnt any more than my Droid 1 plus it's case was.


Active Member
The other thing to consider is price. When the quad core phones come out, my bet is that they will be at the $300 price point and will remain there for a few months or possibly longer. If your phone is decent enough now, you can afford $300 for a flagship phone and you're willing to live with whatever bugs the phone has until it starts getting updates, then wait. If you answer no to any of those questions, buy a current phone. Except for the Spectrum (which was late to the party) all the current tier 1 phones I believe have had their first update which squashed some or many of the more annoying bugs and you can get most of the current tier 1 phones for less than $200 (some less than $100).


Silver Member
The other thing to consider is price. When the quad core phones come out, my bet is that they will be at the $300 price point and will remain there for a few months or possibly longer. If your phone is decent enough now, you can afford $300 for a flagship phone and you're willing to live with whatever bugs the phone has until it starts getting updates, then wait. If you answer no to any of those questions, buy a current phone. Except for the Spectrum (which was late to the party) all the current tier 1 phones I believe have had their first update which squashed some or many of the more annoying bugs and you can get most of the current tier 1 phones for less than $200 (some less than $100).
Nostradamus has spoken. :)

In two months I will be on the Edge:)

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Nostradamus has spoken. :)

In two months I will be on the Edge:)

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums

Due to certain comments HTC has made....i could very well be there with you. And I have a rezound now. How are they going to say that they will have ICS on the Rezound in Q1 and then come back and say that it will happen later this year? They are giving all the support to their Sensations and Some Evos. I love the rezound though. I'm really blowing smoke to a degree, but it kind of makes me angry that us few rezound owners are kind of getting the shaft on the ICS thing. I mean, it took how long for the Thunderbolt to get their OS upgrade? Took a while. I don't know who is to blame, Verizon or HTC. And here I am boasting about how they are going to make things happen. They release to many phones.

They said they will be releasing fewer phones in the future with greater support. The Ville and the Edge could be the start of their new approach. Those could be beasts. Could be duds. I love technology.