Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I downloaded and tried them all out. Here are the results:
Beautiful Widgets - Looks like it would be perfect except I'm a cheapskate and only want free things
Weather Underground - There was no 1x4 and had 2x2. The 3 day extended forecast on the widget itself was a great idea but unfortunately was way too small for my old man eyes to see.

The weather map was a neat feature that showed surrounding temperatures of my area and can be zoomed out to see temperatures all over the world; too bad a banner ad covers some of it
Weatherbug - There was only a 1x2 widget. Other than that it was pretty solid. Nice looking extended details screen with 5 day forecast but has banner ads.
Zooper Widgets - Looks like it has an incredible amount of customization as far as the fonts and layout go but it's a little too plain looking and not enough weather detail.
Fancy Widgets - The winner! Looks great and 1x4 and free. I wish I could have multiple locations and increase the size of the temperature font but those are minor complaints. Very nice clean looking extended details screen with 5 day forecast and no banner ads.
If anyone has anymore suggestions please let me know. Thanks again!