No menu showing
I can't get BW to function now. I've uninstalled, rebooted, a number of times, but I can't get the menu to show. I swipe and swipe and no menu. Obviously I'm doing something wrong :blink: Any hints?
If by "no menu showing" you're referring to the Widgets menu that used to be found by tapping the home screen, Verizon moved it. Mine changed when my iOS was updated. That's a Verizon issue not BW. Hit the apps button At the top of the screen you'll see "all apps" then to the right you'll see "widgets."
Tap widgets and you'll see all the current widgets you have stored on your phone.
If you have BW installed, you'll see available themes listed in this area. If no themes show up, then you have to download some. There are some themes no longer supported by BW.
However, I found a couple that were so similar and these are customizable so that I have one that's even better than the one I had before.
Everyone's screaming about having to finding new themes, but it's pretty easy to find a new theme and customize it. Find a new theme that mimics your old one, then customize it The way you want it too look. I went with the 4x2 size and made the background transparent, tapping the weather opens weather, my date opens my Calengoogle and my time opens the BW widget I like the new changes, but was definitely frustrating to figure out where the bloody widgets menu went too.
Change is always difficult, and when you get a new iOS and/or a new phone there's always a new learning curve. Frustrating yes, but once you get it right, you'll probably think, how was I ever living with that old version. :biggrin: At least that's how I'm feeling right now.

Hope this helps.