Remote Desktop Apps?

I've been using phone my pc as well. It works very well. My only issue is that there is not autoupdate for the pc software and updating requires uninstalling and reinstalling the software. Other then that, it is great.

To be honest I wish logmein worked (no offense SoftwareForMe), I don't like having two programs installed on my PC that essentially do the same thing... although I could ditch logmein if there was a PC client for phone my pc.
Also wanted to say how awesome this app is, the one thing I would like is the ability to click and drag so I can deploy packaged out through Landesk, but other than that it works great and is extremely fast, I tried RDP's demo and it was slow and clunky and had issues connecting but this is fantastic, great product. also whenever you get unlockign to work that will make just that much better.
Yeah buddy!!

+1 for PhoneMyPC!!! - Now where is that login update so I don't have to leave my computer logged on when I'm away??
@darkmaniac: to drag:
1) Press the Search button to enter Full Cursor Mode
2) Place the cursor over the thing to be dragged
3) Press and hold the DPAD Center button
4) Move the cursor with your finger

We need to add a "mouse down/mouse up" lock buttons to make this easier.

It's coming! After another brief service outage, we have put resources on making sure that doesn't happen again. We didn't take a vote, but we're guessing customers would rather it worked all the time than have the login code, so we're doing both at once.
Just bought this software because of this thread, lol this happens to me every time I read a thread on here!!
in all fairness a wireless mouse and keyboard are a far cry short of a drp.
wireless mouse and keyboard are just that
rdp allow you to take over a pc from a remote location ie anywhere in the world with 3g network not just on the home network
I really like what PhoneToPC has to offer up to date, and I can't wait for the Windows locking/unlocking option to become implemented.

I'm sadly on a computer running a non-Pro version of Windows, so I have no way to get RDP hosting on my system...
I really like what PhoneToPC has to offer up to date, and I can't wait for the Windows locking/unlocking option to become implemented.

I'm sadly on a computer running a non-Pro version of Windows, so I have no way to get RDP hosting on my system...

Locking and unlocking is an option in logmein also.
I have been using PhoneMyPC for about 8 months, it is fantastic, and I have never regretted the 9.99 i spent, best paid app i have purchased, dev is awesome getting back to you, and aims to please, takes your ideas into consideration and puts out regular updates.
DVR Mobile View

I have been running a program, DVR Mobile View, which allows me to mnitor security cameras live or from memory. It runs fairly smoothly and have been happy with its function. The problem I have is that when installed, it gets access to virtually every part of my phone along with permisson to change things. On top of this, a file "andme_signed" is updated almost daily. It seems to be a java file.
This may be normal but it seems like it is asking for to much, making me feel a bit insecure for my phones contents.
I don't see an option of limiting its permissions.
Obviously I am new to android. I would appreciate any insight that could be shared.
Thank you
i got PhoneMyPC today and it is great. I get a lot of calls from my boss (who only does email on her computer) saying something doesn't look right or she can't do something. Many times I have said to her "If I could just see what you are doing." Now I can. I am thrilled...she is happy, So thank you! Found it through this forum.
Xtralogic used with Ubuntu and Leopard

Just bought xtralogic remote desktop app and have had a little bit of difficulty with Ubuntu and Leopard. My router is a time capsule. Any suggestions?

Phone to PC ?

Just installed the app and love the functionality so far. Couple of quick questions:

For multiple monitors, there is an option to switch monitors. Is there any way to scroll between the monitors using the already established geometry known by windows on the host PC?

When using the Control Windows option, is there any way to have the window you select appear on the droid screen (preferably only droid screen)? That way we can control an application and have the originally-displayed programs continue.