

Jan 18, 2011
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Starting to have a few minor issues and not sure where to begin. Running Droid 2 with 2.5.7 Black and Gongerbread. Can I reflash without losing settimgs? What does clearing cache do? How and again would I lose settings?

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Flashing is returning your phone to just like it was out of the box. Wiping will remove everything from the phone. Your contacts and apps will sync through google so there is nothing to worry about.
I'm talking reflashing Fission will that do anything?

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I'm talking reflashing Fission will that do anything?

I think that if you flash it without wiping data and cache, you may not lose any of your apps, settings, or data, but if you were having problems before, there's a good chance this won't do anything to solve your problems.

What kind of problems were you having, specifically?

It really isn't such a big deal letting Google restore your apps and contacts after reflashing from scratch (wiping data and cache). You can backup and restore your text messages using SMS Backup & Restore (from the market).
Rebooting when plugging in to computer and just recently it stopped sending attachments when forwarding messages. It wont connect to send.

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The reboot problem is a widely reported issue across various ROMs (including stock, I think) on the Droid 2. Unfortunately, I really highly doubt that reflashing Fission will fix it.

Don't know about the other problem though. I assume you're talking about e-mail. What e-mail client are you using?
Not email, messages, SMS sending pics.

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Not email, messages, SMS sending pics.

I don't use MMS myself, so I can't really help you. But have you tried using an alternate SMS client? If you've been using the stock messaging client, for example, try Handcent SMS and see if that does what you want it to do.
I'll give it a try thanks. Where would I look to learn how to change from Fission to another ROM?

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I'll give it a try thanks. Where would I look to learn how to change from Fission to another ROM?

I was merely suggesting that you try a different text messaging app, not a whole different ROM. Not that you shouldn't go out and try different ROMs, of course, but if all you want is a fix to your messaging problems, try Handcent SMS (which I use, but there are others too, like Chomp SMS and Go SMS). Like I said, I don't use MMS (multimedia messaging, e.g. pictures) myself so I'm not saying that using a different SMS app will solve your problems, I'm just saying it might and is worth a try.

If you want to try another ROM, I would suggest waiting for the final release of Liberty 2.0, which should be just around the corner.
Handescent didnt work either. Thanks. Changing ROM was another question not sure how from Fission

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What ROM are you thinking of flashing? The instructions are usually posted in the release thread. Most ROMs are released as flashable ZIP files that you can flash in ClockworkMod Recovery.

Like I said, the final release of Liberty 2.0 is just around the corner. I would suggest waiting for it.
Was thinking of giving buglessbeast a try with ironman theme. My problem is when they talk clockworm I never know if ROM Manager or bootstrap.

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Was thinking of giving buglessbeast a try with ironman theme. My problem is when they talk clockworm I never know if ROM Manager or bootstrap.

I wouldn't use ROM Manager if I were you. I haven't tried it myself, but others here say it doesn't work reliably on the Droid 2.

Also, Bugless Beast is a Droid [1] ROM. I don't believe there is a Droid 2 version. Don't flash ROMs that aren't meant for your phone!
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Hmm I swear it was for the 2. OK I'll take your word on it. No ROM manager just bootstrap? Wats a good one to try then?

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