So I've had my bionic now since the day it was first released and as of yesterday I now have 4 different problems. The phone first started rebooting itself for no reason, I read through some articles and found out it might have something to do with the battery saver feature, so I switched to Performance mode to try it out. Second, the phone shuts off and stays off when there's still battery available to use. I've had to pop the battery out, along with SD card and SIM card to make it work again. Third, I hooked the phone up to the wall charger last night and had to take it off for a brief moment and when I did the phone displayed that the phone was still charging??? So I tried to just reboot the phone and that's when the fourth thing happened. Fourth, phone displayed it was shutting down and froze, pressing the power button or any other button didn't help either, so I had to pop the battery out again to make it work again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Any suggestions?