Quadrant Score Thread for Bionic


Figured I would start one to see how everyone's Bionics stack up on the scores.

I am running Rooted 6.7.246 Bionic. I have not overclocked or tweaked the Bionic at all, other than installing 246 and rooting, the rest of the phone is stock and untouched hack wise.

View attachment 56663
tlarseth said:
What were you on before 247? Also, if on ICS, did you notice any improvements to 247 over your previous builds install?

Previous build was.246. I only ran a few benchmarks just for fun one night when i was bored. I don't remember any scores. Before that I was on. 905 and i never ran any. I mainly started doing it to see my CPU speed and if I got the full bump to 1.2.
Sarge made the comment on the Moot thread that it might be best to run several and average your results. Little things like background apps or a pop-up ad switching could negatively affect your score.
Mine was posted right after I updated to 246, and I FDR after every update. But I am averaging 2400-2600
This is mine after 247 update straight from 905. I'm rooted nothing else. I didn't fdr or anything like I wanted too i was lazy today. I feel like that score sux

EDIT: Forgot to say my bionic remained at 1.0 ghz after update
Running at 1.2 average score.


Sent from my . 247 House of BIONIC Edition