Pre-DX warmup


New Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I'm waiting for my Droid X to ship; and by the looks of things... it's going to be a long wait. What should I do in the meantime?

What are some things that took you a while to set up?

I just synched my iCal to Google calendar and am looking for more things to do lol...

If this is your first android phone, you can go ahead and put all your contacts and phone numbers into google contacts so that they will sync over when you activate your new X. Anything else I can think of you need the phone for.
If this is your first android phone, you can go ahead and put all your contacts and phone numbers into google contacts so that they will sync over when you activate your new X. Anything else I can think of you need the phone for.

How is this DO put them in my contacts in gmail?
Anyone else have any suggestions that will make the switch from a non andriod phone to the X a little smoother? Like many, I'm waiting for my phone to come in; but in the mean time I would like to have as much PRE-SET as I can before I receive the phone.
I am in the same boat as you. I put all music and picture files in a folder to move over, I got all my contacts into Google Contacts, and I got some accessories in order (DX car mount from VZ for example, because the DX is my new GPS). Other than that, i have been watching plenty of YouTube videos and gathering info about helpful apps to download and what to steer clear of.