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Positive experience so far with 2.3.4 ota update...


Previously, I had been running a pre-rooted 2.3.3

Accidentally okay'd the 2.3.4 over the air update and thought, "great, now I'm screwed..."

Well, after rooting it later this morning, I will say that I don't have near as much of the music stutter. (Previously, I knew about a second or two before I was getting an email or text message, that I was about to due to the massive stutter while listening to music)

Everything 'seems' a bit smoother with the music stutter almost completely eliminated. (still there but nowhere near as terrible)
Could you point me to the thread for rooting the new update? I haven't installed it yet because I don't want to loose root. For any interested im in Ohio and just got the notification for ota today.


Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Me too... I have only had a few music stutters but nowhere near what I was hearing before. Like the OP said I could tell when I was going to get an IM, text, or e-mail.
So far so good here as well. Music stuttering has cleared. Only issue I see some of my apps don't fill the screen i.e. unblock me free game and my NECN sports news app.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
While the 2.3.4 update made my phone more responsive, it also did not fix the random reboots I'm getting. My phone still reboots on me every day or two for no reason at all.

If my phone didn't do that, it would be the best phone I've ever owned. :mad:
While the 2.3.4 update made my phone more responsive, it also did not fix the random reboots I'm getting. My phone still reboots on me every day or two for no reason at all.

If my phone didn't do that, it would be the best phone I've ever owned. :mad:

That would be annoying! Mine has done it a few times, but not daily. I'd be asking for a replacement.
That would be annoying! Mine has done it a few times, but not daily. I'd be asking for a replacement.

I would like to think that it can't possibly be something hardware related since I did not have this problem on when the X2 as on 2.2. It only started with the 2.3.3 update that everyone got around the beginning of August.

WookieClaws; how long has your phone been up without randomly restarting itself? Days? Weeks? I'm curious.
While the 2.3.4 update made my phone more responsive, it also did not fix the random reboots I'm getting. My phone still reboots on me every day or two for no reason at all.

If my phone didn't do that, it would be the best phone I've ever owned. :mad:

Did you try doing a factory reset after the update?

Sent from my liberated X2.
I haven't noticed any major problems since the OTA updates....but one thing I have noticed is that sometimes at night I will turn my phone off just to "refresh" the phone. The next morning I will turn on the phone to find that my battery percentage has jumped 10-20% from where it was the night before...and I have not charged it. I don't know....?

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
I too notice the battery getting a "boost" on reboots. This defies all logic and physics.

But Kudos to Motorola, now I know what to do when my Battery is about to die </sarcasm>

By the way, the update didn't seem to fix the Magic Smoke Live wallpaper. I do not note any improvement in music stuttering. It is there still and I really can't tell if it reduced. This shows that even if there has been an improvement, it is still no good.

People, I really want to know if I will be better off by getting a replacement Droid X2 or a different phone (if possible)? Anyone with a good opinion?
By the way, the update didn't seem to fix the Magic Smoke Live wallpaper. I do not note any improvement in music stuttering. It is there still and I really can't tell if it reduced. This shows that even if there has been an improvement, it is still no good.

People, I really want to know if I will be better off by getting a replacement Droid X2 or a different phone (if possible)? Anyone with a good opinion?

I listen to a LOT of music on my phone. I bought a 16GB card from Costco for $21 and that seemed to help the skipping a bit, the 2.3.4 update helped it even more. I say helped because I still get a few skips here and there. I came to VZW from T-Mobile on a Mytouch 4G and it had music skipping issues too, about as much as I see on my X2. It's now occasional and only when I use a wired headset (my stereo BT headset doesn't skip).

On a 3 hour road trip last week I only counted 3 music skips down and back (6 hours of drive time with a wired connection to my stereo). That's on par with what I saw with the MT4G and other Android phones I had on T-Mobile. Before the update it was much worse and much more noticeable. On the same trip I had dozens of skips before I got the update (everytime an e-mail, text, or IM came it my phone would skip).

So I would say that if you are having more skips then seek a replacement phone.