So my phone keeps going into sleep or freezing. I will get the buzz for a text message but when I try to turn the screen on the little buttons at the bottom light up but nothing else does. Only way I have found to get out of it is to take the battery out and put it back in. This has been getting more an more common. When it freezes it does exactly that. I cannot even turn off the screen. Once again I need to pull the battery. Hate this phone. I have an upgrade later this December but don't want to buy a new phone. I have babied this thing, not even rooted. Anyone having this issue? Are they to the point where they will replace this thing with a different phone that is more stable? This is my 2nd Droid 2. My first D2 had the random action bug. I went through a few Original Droids way back in the day that were all just buggy, sales people couldn't deny it. If I do get a new phone, what will be the least buggy? I use it for email, phone calls, and text messages, checking the weather, browsing the internet, and sometime simple games.