I will be in the market for a new set of phones (for me and my girl) in Feb or March, we are on Verizon and in a 4g LTE market. We are both currently grandfathered in on our unlimited data plans and she is rocking an OG Moto Droid and I have an HTC Thundrbolt 4g.
I would like feedback and suggestions (no flaming or ignorance please) on the choice you would have me make and please justify your responses.
Here are some of the things I was thinking:
- I want to try to stay grandfatered into my unlimited plan so I was planning on buying the phones off contract (prices isnt an issue and I understand that some phones are $800 a pop) and just activating them on our accounts.. my question is will this work or will Verizon find some way to swindle me into their new tiered package?
- I want a NEW phone, not one thats at or near their End of Life, try to keep it about 2 months past at max.
- ICS is a huge plus and very tempting but I do not want to become blinded by ICS and ignore potentially better hardware, options or screen size/quality(I know pretty much any new phone will be pushed ICS within a few months if it doesnt ship with it)
- My initial thoughts were the Razr Maxx or Galaxy Nexus but if you guys can think of a reason I should wait a few more weeks towards March or look into different phones then let me know, I do know that they are talking Quad cores soon but honestly I think were in a situation where the hardware is outpacing the software at least for right now so Quad cores isnt big on my wishlist, however dual core is a requirement.
I think that's my list, I greatly appreciate any and all feedback and please dont turn this into a bickering match, but I do encourage intelligent well thought out debate with actual reasons.
I would like feedback and suggestions (no flaming or ignorance please) on the choice you would have me make and please justify your responses.
Here are some of the things I was thinking:
- I want to try to stay grandfatered into my unlimited plan so I was planning on buying the phones off contract (prices isnt an issue and I understand that some phones are $800 a pop) and just activating them on our accounts.. my question is will this work or will Verizon find some way to swindle me into their new tiered package?
- I want a NEW phone, not one thats at or near their End of Life, try to keep it about 2 months past at max.
- ICS is a huge plus and very tempting but I do not want to become blinded by ICS and ignore potentially better hardware, options or screen size/quality(I know pretty much any new phone will be pushed ICS within a few months if it doesnt ship with it)
- My initial thoughts were the Razr Maxx or Galaxy Nexus but if you guys can think of a reason I should wait a few more weeks towards March or look into different phones then let me know, I do know that they are talking Quad cores soon but honestly I think were in a situation where the hardware is outpacing the software at least for right now so Quad cores isnt big on my wishlist, however dual core is a requirement.
I think that's my list, I greatly appreciate any and all feedback and please dont turn this into a bickering match, but I do encourage intelligent well thought out debate with actual reasons.