PDAnet slowdown problem.


Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
One thing I notice with PDAnet is that when the connection is "fresh" speed is acceptable but the longer I run PDAnet, for example watching a YouTube vid or download, it slows to a crawl...

If I completely disconnect and restart the PDAnet ap the speed jumps back up and then the slow progression downward starts.

I'm not sure if this has to do with my Verizon connection or an issue with PDAnet? although running straight from my laptop via 3g I never have a problem.

Anyone else experience this?

Ron W.
I would guess it's the network throttling the speed. More than likely nothing you can do about it. Happens here as well on mine.
I would guess it's the network throttling the speed. More than likely nothing you can do about it. Happens here as well on mine.

thanks for the quick reply...I guess I have to do some more tests because I don't seem to have problem with my laptop connection via 3g, although I connect to 3g with a Cradlepoint router.

It just seems that it only happens with Droid/PDAnet connected 3g. Maybe Verizon does know the difference between a normal 3g connect and one using PDAnet??? something to think about.

Later today I'll do some more test.


Ron W.
I'm sure they can tell.