We aren't sure if this qualifies as an upset, but it's darn close. PC Magazine recently preformed an in-depth speed test of all four major U.S. carriers, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. While it may not come as a surprise that Verizon ended up winning, what is surprising is that it was only by a slim margin. What's even more surprising is who was a very close second place: T-Mobile.
Apparently T-Mobile has been aggressively upgrading their LTE network lately and are now covering the thirty major cities (and more) across the US. In fact, according to PC Magazine's tests, T-Mobile was faster than Verizon in a number of big cities including Austin, TX, Jacksonville, FL, Las Vegas, NV and many more. Ultimately, although Verizon won the contest regionally and nationally, that was only bolstered by the fact that VZW has upgraded in more rural areas than T-Mobile.
If it weren't for those outlying areas, it might have been a dead heat, or T-Mobile could have even pulled into first place. There's another interesting thing to take away from this. T-Mobile actually stomps every other carrier by a large margin in 3G coverage, with consistently much faster 3G speeds than any of its competitors. PC Magazine had this to say, "T-Mobile provided the year's big surprise, with a powerful showing where it won half of our cities outright."
What do you guys think? Could T-Mobile eventually rise to dominate the mobile landscape?
Thanks for the tip, KaChow!
Source: PC Mag