4G LTE Coverage Comparison
If you are trying to compare 4G coverage between Verizon and AT&T, then these maps might come in handy. As you can see from the map above Verizon, unsurprisingly, has a vast and dominating position of LTE service over AT&T. However, if you compare AT&T's 4G HSPA+ to Verizon's 4G LTE, (using the map below) then AT&T has a larger coverage. Of course, even T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T themselves are eventually moving to LTE, because HSPA+ is really more like 3.5G, rather than full 4G. It's still interesting to see the range of coverage in a graphical representation.

4G HSPA+ Coverage Comparison
Regardless of the speed of their respective roll-outs, it certainly seems like there is a lot more of the country left to cover. How many of you guys live in any of the gigantic "no 4G" areas?
Source: PhoneArena