Pay it forward....


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Terre Haute, Indiana
If the moderators see a problem with this thread please close it or move it to a more appropriate area....

As a "Pay it forward" thread you must offer something that you no longer need and offer to pay to ship to the person who claims it in this thread. Addresses should be shared only in secure email or forum private messages.

To start: I would like to offer a car dock window mount that fits an original Motorola Droid 1 from Verizon wireless. I will pay for shipping to get it to you.
PLease claim the item here and if anyone has an item they no longer need please offer it up.
dancedroid :motdroidvert: dancedroid :motdroidvert: :motdroidhoriz: :motdroidvert: dancedroid
GetA2J = Get Addicted TO Jesus
moved to off this will probably get away from being Droid/Android specific.
I have had two claims for the car dock, I am going to send both of them one. I would just like to take time to repeat that if you would like to offer something in this thread, thank you. If you would like to claim something in this thread please reply here to keep the thread active and allow others to see the blessings and hopefully inspire growth. Thank you.
dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid

On a side note, I ordered my Dad and his wife each a new Droid2 this week! WOOT!!! dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid
Geta2j thanks for sending the car dock. Much needed and much appreciated. :) I will see what i have and return the favor to other members on this forum. :)
want to contribute. But I dont have anything thats droid related but i have a hand carved wooden sword with stand brought back from Vietnam. Nothing is wrong with it. No scratches or chips etc..I will do a raffle to those that are interested until mid Weds 12/22/10. just PM me. Please note i also post this on another forum so names will be combine from both forum. here are some pics. i will ship this to you at no cost to you. :) but dont expected before Christmas :D


I have 2 new in box cases for a fascinate. One side holster one silicone gel. Pm me! Merry Christmas!

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