Yea! People should know: Installed the OTA and the hotspot will now allow tethered devices to open perviously blocked websites, i.e. Yahoo Mail.
Now, if only my phone didn't get so hot on 4G. I've only had it a couple of days and it was doing that even before today's OTA. It is a replacement I got within my 14 day return window after my first phone's battery was under-performing. Now, I have to put one of these phones postmarked back in the mail by tomorrow's 14-day deadline and I'm not sure which one to send back
A) The one with a hotter battery -- battery runs at about 32-ish degrees and more with heavy twittering/browsing on 4G-- now all set up as I like it
B) The one with what turns out to be only a little less of a lasting battery on 4G
Now, if only my phone didn't get so hot on 4G. I've only had it a couple of days and it was doing that even before today's OTA. It is a replacement I got within my 14 day return window after my first phone's battery was under-performing. Now, I have to put one of these phones postmarked back in the mail by tomorrow's 14-day deadline and I'm not sure which one to send back
A) The one with a hotter battery -- battery runs at about 32-ish degrees and more with heavy twittering/browsing on 4G-- now all set up as I like it
B) The one with what turns out to be only a little less of a lasting battery on 4G