New Member
Allrite I have the Droid, 2.2. theres plenty of topics about this that ive seen so i already kno most answers to my problem. ( My screen is locked, Cant touch anything, i recive phone calls, txts msgs, email, but i cant check them due to my screen not responding to touch. WHen i get a call it jus KEEEPS vibrating even when the call is over) Well after serching the web for hours i found out i had to do a hard reset. But i CANNOT do that using the Camra+power+ volume up way because my Volume up button is Borken...( go figure =/ ) So i also read u can put a magnet to the back of the fone to get it to the homescreen ( becuase i can only use the keyboard ). That did work, so i went to another Option to do a hardreset, buy goin in to the Setting + Privacy + then seliection Factory Reset. ( using my keyboard ) I arrow down to "factory reset" Click the eneter on the keyboard then it asks you to "reset phone" So i click that aswell. ( once again using keyboard ) But the next screen Were it says " Erase everything" ( wich is the finaly step to do a reset) I cannot select it using the keyboard ....... ( usualy it would turn orange if i could select it with the keyboard ) nor can i touch the screen due to my screen being unresponcive...I duno what to do??? Is there another way i can be able to click this or do a hard reset??? im lost to the world without my fone.
I duno what to do about this impposible issue, all feedback is much apreciatd
I duno what to do about this impposible issue, all feedback is much apreciatd
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