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Droid 2 Global Screen Issues


New Member
I just got a droid 2 global through verizon a few days ago. I'm having issues with the screen after the device has been locked for a while.

For example, I will lock the screen and leave it setting on my desk for a while. Then when I go to use it I am able to unlock the screen, but from there it acts a little strange. None of the bottom buttons (Home, Back, Menu, etc) will work. The main portion of the touch screen starts pulling down the notification bar about a half inch and releasing it. The whole time this is occuring, the default vibration for when you click the touch screen is going crazy like the screen is being tapped rapidly even though it's not being touched. I can get it to stop vibrating by re-locking it, but when unlocked again the same problem occurs. I eventually had to do a soft reset.

Yes they put app killer on my phone, but this seems to be more of a hardware issue to me. Any advice?
Same here

I too am having a very similar problem but cannot find a pattern to consistently replicate the issue. The only difference is that in my case instead of the bottom part of the touch screen becoming a dead zone it is the entire left side (in portrait mode), anywhere from 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I've been scouring these forums and the rest of the internet seeking a solution and have seen various potential causes but I think none apply to me. I am using the OEM charger, no task killers, always exit apps using the back button, and don't believe it's a faulty digitizer because the dead spot isn't there 100% of the time, more like 60% to 70% and rebooting usually takes care of the problem for a while. Everyone now and then, I manage to fix the problem without a reboot using the Multitouch Visible Test app and touching the screen everywhere until it goes a little crazy but when it stabilizes the problem may disappear. This leads me to believe it's a software issue, not hardware but of course I can be mistaken. I really do not want to have to go through the whole replacement phone process so if any of you bright forum users can think of any suggestions, or at least other possible causes to investigate, I would really appreciate it.

I forgot to add, I'm not currently rooted but did temporarily root the phone shortly after I got it on February 1st so I could uninstall the crapware Verizon forces down our throats, specifically CityId, Blockbuster and VZ Navigator. I also do not use any replacement launcher apps but do have tons of apps installed, too long to list here unless asked to do so. Thanks all!
Seeing the same problems here with my D2G.... hoping someone has a solution/explanation. I ended up fixing it last night by restoring a backup via clockwork and bootstrap. This leads me to believe it is software related...
It may have been a hardware issue after all. I went ahead and reported the problem to Verizon and they sent me a "like new" phone. It's only been a day but so far so good. I've reinstalled all my apps but this time chose not to root and uninstall the bloatware. Perhaps it was related to that.
I have the same problem on my brand new D2G. Clearly a software issue from what I've noticed, I don't get any crazy vibrations (well I haven't had the issue since reading to really check...), mostly just a blank screen after I hit the "home" button from a program like google maps, and it displays just the bottom 3 software buttons...

The quick fix is to just "flick" to the next screen left or right, and it comes right back on... as if it never happened. I don't think I'd return it for that, seems like a software issue, and D2Gs have worse problems with speakers cutting out too, so why risk it?

In any case, it seems to happen when you run a program then click home. It does not seem to happen when you are on the home screen, and close/lock the phone, then open/unlock it later...so it seems to be an issue in re-generating the default icons in the home screen.

My home screen has 3 jorte calendar widgets, 1 battery-left widget, and 4 "unread SMS/Email1/Email2/Email3" widgets....I thought it might be due to the heavy use of widgets on my screen...

Be interested does anyone have this problem with NO widgets on anywhere?
i had the same problem as the op with my d1. i thought it was acting up because of a hard hit (against the wall... anger issues lol) so i picked up a d2g. first couple days everything was great, then it started acting up. so i started taking note when it would act up where the phone had been before, pocket, desk, outside. i noticed it would do it when it was hot out and in my pocket. so if i was outside i started taking it out of my pocket and would set it in the shade near me. that helped a ton with the problem almost nonexistent. until recently, it has gotten very humid out not quite as hot as before but it started acting up again. sometimes it will stay like that for an hour or more after going in the house or out of the heat. so i got the bright idea to set it near the air conditioner(window unit) it would get better within minutes most times. i think moisture is the culprit but not sure what if anything to do about it.
so i'm not the only one...

This is my third droid phone, and i've run into a similar issues with all of them. The touchscreen will occasionally "freak out" in some fashion, most notably when i'm attempting to unlock my phone. The screen acts like it's sensing a touch on random areas of the screen and will appear to twitch. I've had several attempted explanations, some from verizon employees, ranging from water damage (not the case) to system updates (which I did and if anything it's gotten worse.) There's no telling how long it lasts. On my original droid removing the battery helped occasionally, but on my droid2 it rarely ever works. My current phone is a replacement from an insurance claim (asurion) and on day 1 it was freaking out. I've talked with friends who have droid phones and have had the same issues. Incredibly frustrating to deal with!! If the phone is unlocked and on the home screen, a random screen fit could go virtually anywhere into the sub menus. I've even had contacts called and deleted. The only thing that stops it is pressing the screen lock button, but then I can't unlock it.
I guess you could call this a question where hopefully I can get a successful answer that wil help me with this problem.

Over the past several months I've been having issues with the touch screen on my phone. After locked for awhile and when I go to use it. It will go crazy touching things its not supposed to touch, vibrate obsessively, and usually (but not always every time) if I press the button on the top and light it back up and slide the screen it usually will return to normal. Its doing it more and more here lately and its the first Droid I've ever had and if this issue doesn't stop or can be fixed or resolved it'll be my last. Any help would be soo greatly appreciated if it relates to this issue. I joined this site in hopes to get this issue resolved. I didn't want to upgrade in August of next year but I definitely will if its not resolved and it won't be a droid of any kind. This is a nusense and i'm more than sick of it. Im disgusted. Please help cause i am getting no results elsewhere.

Thanks again everyone. Steven
For the record, I too have seen all of the screen issues on 2 separate D2Gs, and I am curious if it might be power related. I am now on my third.

I have noticed that with my prior 2 phones I had similar touch-sensitivity problems while only plugged-in to cheap USB chargers (old HTC one I took to the office & even the Motorola car charger that Verizon sells with the car dock!).

The interesting thing to point out is that once they were unplugged from cheap chargers, they were fine. When they were plugged into quality chargers (Motorola wall wart that came with D2G or Rocketfish car charger from Best Buy) there were no symptoms-early on.

Sadly, those phones eventually degenerated to show the exact same symptoms as described in this thread, regardless of what they were charged with. Often a quick hard slap would earn me some time to use the screen. People would make fun of me hitting my phone, but it worked.

I am on my third D2G, and have tossed my old chargers. I hope I don't see this happen again but will report back.

I wonder if y'all can recollect a similar pattern with your power charger? Makes some sense, it is a power hog!

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
It will be one year since I igot my first Droid 2 and it work most if the year, this summer is went bad, its rooted (rubix blurry) froyo and it gets hot frequently. The stock usb cord doesn't stay in and the touch screen presses over the unlock screen's virtual 6 key, it frequently opens Facebook and types gibberish. That's not the best part thought, it got to the point where I had to get a replacement DROID2 with gingerbread 2.3.4, but VZ didn't send a battery or a battery cover or a memory card, so it sat in a sock draw for a week. I ordered a battery and a battery cover and a new charger, and when they came I put them into the phone, I tried to activate the phone and I couldn't. The 4 5 6 part of the dial pad was unresponsive and the three middle digits of my phone number are 476. So im using it via wifi or 3G mobile hotspot from my old D2. I downloaded a multi touch app to see what the problem was and it was a quarter of the lower half of the screen that didn't work... and then I called VZ and they said they'd send me another D2! If they do I want to fix this one and unlock it but is it sofware glitch? also it keeps playing my custom notification tone over and over
EDIT : when ever I goto dialer and switch to landscape the phone flashes on and off... also I was watching my first D2 and it looked like it was repeating actions from when I first got it, I put it into a multitouch app and watched it dial my number! I think that it might be repeating past touch inputs.
Sent from my Unactivated Defective Replacement DROID2 using DroidForums
It will be one year since I igot my first Droid 2 and it work most if the year, this summer is went bad, its rooted (rubix blurry) froyo and it gets hot frequently. The stock usb cord doesn't stay in and the touch screen presses over the unlock screen's virtual 6 key, it frequently opens Facebook and types gibberish.

INTERESTING correlation I forgot to mention that I'd observed too. I, too, had trouble with the USB cord staying in the socket...which connects back to my hypothesis on it being power related.

That's not the best part thought, it got to the point where I had to get a replacement DROID2 with gingerbread 2.3.4, but VZ didn't send a battery or a battery cover or a memory card, so it sat in a sock draw for a week. I ordered a battery and a battery cover and a new charger, and when they came I put them into the phone, I tried to activate the phone and I couldn't.

They never send batteries, covers, or cards on refurb models. You're supposed to use the ones off the old phone.

The 4 5 6 part of the dial pad was unresponsive and the three middle digits of my phone number are 476. So im using it via wifi or 3G mobile hotspot from my old D2. I downloaded a multi touch app to see what the problem was and it was a quarter of the lower half of the screen that didn't work... and then I called VZ and they said they'd send me another D2! If they do I want to fix this one and unlock it but is it sofware glitch? also it keeps playing my custom notification tone over and over

When you say a quarter of the lower half of the screen, what does that look like? Was it an entire row or column across the glass?

EDIT : when ever I goto dialer and switch to landscape the phone flashes on and off... also I was watching my first D2 and it looked like it was repeating actions from when I first got it, I put it into a multitouch app and watched it dial my number! I think that it might be repeating past touch inputs.

Did you reset your phone to factory (or at least freshly rooted) condition?