New Member
First off, I've been rooted for over a year and haven't had any issues with the rom I was running. I decided to switch things up the other day, so I used Clockwork to backup my current ROM in ROM Manager. After doing so, I decided to revert back to a previous backup via Manage and Restore Backups in ROM Manager. I was successful in reverting, but I realized I did not like the state my phone was in. So I tried going back into ROM Manager and going back to my most recent backup. My phone then went to reboot and I received the triangle exclamation point bs screen and got stuck. I read through several forum posts and rebooted my phone so I could flash an older version of Clockwork and try again, but that did not work and yielded the same result. I tried several other versions of Clockwork as well as SPRecovery and still nothing. Has anyone else had this issue and if so any suggestions on how to get back to my last backup?