So I usually get pretty decent battery life, as in it lasts me from morning until the evening, although it's just about out of juice by the time that I get home from work. For that reason, I picked up the extended battery last week for $25. It works great. I still have about 35% remaining when I get home now. But twice now I have had a situation where my battery drains extremely fast, as in 60%+ in just a couple of hours. And it happened today with the extended battery. I remember looking at my battery gauge in the mid-afternoon and thinking to myself how good the extended battery is working. It had around 60% IIRC. Fast forward to dinner time at a restaurant at about 5:30. I had not used the phone during the interim. But when I looked at it, it was down to 16%! And the phone was very warm to the touch. This is a very similar situation to what happened twice before. This time I decided to take some screen shots to see if anyone could help explain why this happened.
Other than seeing that Screen and Google Services is taking up most of my battery, I don't know how to make out what is causing this sporatic heavy battery usage. Can anyone help decipher this?
I'm also going to post on a few other forum sites as well for added exposure.

Other than seeing that Screen and Google Services is taking up most of my battery, I don't know how to make out what is causing this sporatic heavy battery usage. Can anyone help decipher this?
I'm also going to post on a few other forum sites as well for added exposure.