Hi Everyone!
New to this site.. I've been looking into this topic for a while before posting.. So the notification light is HORRIBLE I can barely see it and for the most part is what I used to rely on to see what type of message I received and from who.. II updated from a BB and the app they had for this was awesome, super bright and many colors.... I've read that it only has two colors, for such an up to date phone how is this possible?? Just wondering if there could ever be an update changing this, sorry to say this is a BIG upset and may be why I choose to return.. any help will be appreciated!!
New to this site.. I've been looking into this topic for a while before posting.. So the notification light is HORRIBLE I can barely see it and for the most part is what I used to rely on to see what type of message I received and from who.. II updated from a BB and the app they had for this was awesome, super bright and many colors.... I've read that it only has two colors, for such an up to date phone how is this possible?? Just wondering if there could ever be an update changing this, sorry to say this is a BIG upset and may be why I choose to return.. any help will be appreciated!!