I was in the Verizon store the other day and the representative was telling that I could add unlimited calling to ANY mobile carrier for only five bucks more a month. I kindly said no for now and took the flyer home to double check my current plan. Much to my surprise the guy was right and it is only 5 dollar more than I am currently paying. I will attach the flyer so you guys can see it, it says it is only available to customers in OK, AR, LA, MS and select markets in TX, TN (I am in Austin so obviously this is one of those markets in Texas).
I have the 700 minutes family plan that is 99.99 for two lines with unlimited messaging and free mobile to mobile on Verizon, this new plan is 104.99 for unlimited to ANY mobile carrier and of course the unlimited text messaging as well. If you are in an area that offers it and want to check it out I would call Verizon up and tell them to add it for you. This might even help people that are paying more for maybe the 1400 minute plan go down to the 700 since ALL mobile calling is free.
Anyway hope this is not old news and hope it saves some people some money.
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I have the 700 minutes family plan that is 99.99 for two lines with unlimited messaging and free mobile to mobile on Verizon, this new plan is 104.99 for unlimited to ANY mobile carrier and of course the unlimited text messaging as well. If you are in an area that offers it and want to check it out I would call Verizon up and tell them to add it for you. This might even help people that are paying more for maybe the 1400 minute plan go down to the 700 since ALL mobile calling is free.
Anyway hope this is not old news and hope it saves some people some money.
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