No pictures in gmail on droid

Same Problem

I too am experiencing the same problem, maybe its a Gmail thing...and not a Droid thing
no pics in email on droid

i was looking through all my apps and there is another email app not gmail so i tried it the icon is just an envelope with a yellow piece of paper going in and an @ symbol. I put my gmail acct. info in and it retrieved the mails and had no problems getting the pics in the emails to show....I don't think i downloaded the app i think it was always there i was just using the gmail one...Check and see and let me know........
I will add myself as in the list with the same problem. I sent an email to motorola and the response was a joke. This is frustrating. If I attach them then they show up but if I embed them inline I get the blue ?. If I get embeded pictures from a advertisement email they show up.
This doesn't appear to be a gmail mobile thing as the native email app does the same thing. Since this only happens, for me anyways, on forwards it has to be something to do with the way the objects were embedded from the original sender or due to the fact that there are usually 4 or 5 fwds in the email before I get it. Something in the Android sw isn't decoding these properly or simply is unable to. It's not that big of an issue where I'm going to throw a fit about it. I just really hope it gets resolved.
Everytime I get an email with a picture, I have a button at the top of the email that says "show picture". When I click on that, it shows JPEGS, GIFS, TIFFS or PDFs in the email with no problem.
Everytime I get an email with a picture, I have a button at the top of the email that says "show picture". When I click on that, it shows JPEGS, GIFS, TIFFS or PDFs in the email with no problem.
Seems to be a problem on forwarded messages.
From Windows 7 running Office Outlook 2007....

I forwarded a email that has about a dozen imbedded pictures. On Gmail web site, I can see the pictures just fine, on the DROID, I get place holders.

I copied and pasted the pictures into a new message and sent it to the Droid's GMIAL acct. No change, just place holders.

Sent two pictures as attachments... I get DOWNLOAD & PREVIEW buttons and can see them clearly.....

So the issue is with EMBEDDED PICTURE FILES
I have done the same thing and come to the same conclusion however its only embedded pictures from myself or friends. If I get an emial with embedded pictures like an ad the pictures appear just fine.
I can confirm it's not user error, as I'm experiencing the exact same thing. Embedded pictures only display as place holders, with no option to "display pictures". Or are we feeding the trolls?