New User Help with apps


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I just got the Droid yesterday. I'm having a hell of a time figuring out why my battery is draining so fast. I just switched from a BB that I only had to charge once a day and it last though hours of phone calls and continual web surfing. There are some apps running in the background, I've heard conflicting suggestions on this. I heard turning them off will only restart them and drain your battery further. Which everytime I turn them off they come right back on. So i'm starting to think that is true. Is it ok to just let them run or is that a bad thing.
BB is a lot better on battery life then Android but you give to take. Download a app killer and you will be fine. If you wanted something with a better battery you should have got the RAZR MAXX ...

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Check on the MAXX .... I had the original Razr first then jumped to the Maxx....

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I wasn't told the battery life sucked before I got the phone. If I had know I wouldn't have got it which sucks bc I love the design and function of the phone. But I'm always on the go and I need it to last more then 4 hours. But will the app killer prolong my battery life at all or no
Yes, I don't use anymore but I used juice defender .... The Maxx doesn't need the app killer though .... the bad thing about a app killer is it will cut off internet connection

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
I don't want to cut off my internet I need my facebook app to run all the time so I can speak with my husband who is deployed. So will the juice defender do anything for my battery
Yes, but it will cut off internet .... u may be able to do something in the settings for it... look into the Razr Maxx if you just got the Razr pay the 30$ restocking fee....

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I don't want to cut off my internet I need my facebook app to run all the time so I can speak with my husband who is deployed. So will the juice defender do anything for my battery

First of all, thank you for your service.

JD will do alot for your battery life and it's up to you how you want it to manage your Internet connection. Sometimes I have it leave mine on all the time if I'm on my home network or only check for email, etc every 15 minutes. It's up to you.

The Maxx has better battery life because it's bigger of course. But you have other options. Besides JD you can also get a portable battery recharger like for when you are not by an outlet.
I did jump to the Droid Maxx so far I've updated the phone once at the store once when I got home I updated the system and installed it. Download fb, and angry birds reset all my settings. Made a phone call sent and received over 50 txts and was on fb about 3 times. And did two searches. Before it went from 50 to 15 percent. So far lots better then the original razr, which by the time I did all that last time I was plugged in for most of it. Still considering downloading the task killer, but we will see how it holds up tomorrow after it's fully charged. But thanks for the suggestions!
I tend to notice when I have 4g on all day, the battery drains like crazy. I got an app called LTE switch and keep 3g on most of the day except when i'm looking something up and swap it real quick and then switch back. It's a little bit extra work, but give it a try and see if it helps.
Seriously u don't need task killer with the Maxx

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