New Rom


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
Ok Im am on stock and have been for few months an ready for a new look I have tried Apex and Darkslide blurry as it was my favorite of the two but after an issue I dont even remember but had to sbf so I stayed stock but now Im ready to rom again and my question is Which rom between Rubix 1.97,Liberty 1.0, Darkslde 4.2 none blur whould you recommend for speed and battery useage being a media buff always listening to music streaming slacker or music from sd what are the benefits of each rom? Or should I just wait for liberty 1.5?dancedroid:icon_ banana::icon_eek:

Sorry I am on a Droid x.......
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best rom is by far apex 1.3.1 if u ask me. amazing battery life on it.
I love ApeX, and from the sound of things, an update should be rolling out sometime soon.
Liberty is a great ROM. i have tried all and its great. 1.5 is coming out soonn as well.