New member saying thank you!


New Member
Jul 21, 2010
Reaction score
East Liverpool, OH
As a long time Blackberry user I have kept my eye on the Android OS and specifically the Motorola Droid every since it was released. I know it has been out for awhile but my wife and I recently got a great deal on 2 Droids. I started lurking here several weeks before purchasing and by simply reading the info here and learning from everyone I can proudly say that even though I had never used a Droid (other then looking at one in BestBuy) I was able to do the following within 24 hours of bringing mine home:

-installed SPrecovery for 2.1 via RSDLite
-made multiple nandroid backups
-installed SSv4.5
-overclocked to 1ghz via SetCPU
-installed "Black Glass" theme from 928Droid

I have to say that this has been one of the funnest experiences that I have had in a long time. My phone now looks so awesome and runs so well that my wife is now begging me to root hers. I also got a chance to show it off to a buddy who is an iphone loyalist. Needless to say he was basically left speechless.:icon_ banana:

So I just wanted to express my thanks for all of the hard work that so many have put into sharing their knowledge. If I had any advice to someone else just getting started it would be to simply take some time and read! Basically everything you need to know is already explained here, it just takes a little work to search it out and learn it.

-Chris Brock
Glad your experience has been good so far. Did you break out wifi tethering and let him connect to the internet through your phone? :)
Welcome! Glad you and your wife are enjoying your Droids. I've had some much fun changing roms and customizing my Droid. The only downside -- the phone and this forum are very addictive. My wife just looks at me and asks "what are you changing now?"

Welcome! Glad you and your wife are enjoying your Droids. I've had some much fun changing roms and customizing my Droid. The only downside -- the phone and this forum are very addictive. My wife just looks at me and asks "what are you changing now?"


If something doesn't come up fast on the phone my wife will say, "it's because you droided, or rooted, or whatever it is you do to it".

I noticed in your sig that you talked about how you save your backups for easy reference. SS4.5 is the only rom that I have installed so far and thankfully I have not had to do a restore yet. I have gotten everything setup just as I like it and everything seems to be running great. My question is, if I do a full nandroid backup right now when I restore that will it retain everything just as it is? Meaning down to the widgets, shortcuts, etc. that I have setup? Or will it just restore the general stuff and the customizations would have to be reapplied?

I am starting to see how this could become very addictive.:icon_eek:

-Chris Brock
:welcome: to the forum!! You need to get yur wife's droid rooted dude before she goes and find someone that will!!

If she likes purple and pink don't show her this screen shot of my most awesome one!!

hahaha, if anyones gonna root my wife its gonna be me dang it!!!!!

It is funny that you chimed in when you did because I was literally just sending a couple of the screen shots that I found of your theme to the wife. haha
Omg you're kiddin right? :shocked:

I make lots of themes for ppl and if you're REALLY nice I'll make a custom one.

Anyway about backups.....what I do is set up EVERYTHING ....bookmarks, website sign ins, widgets and any other crap you like THEN i go in sprecovery and make a backup of DATA ONLY. I'm a rom flashing whore and so far (knock wood) I've successfully wiped data and cache/flash rom/then restore the backed up data with 8 different roms. Voila' new rom with all your settings saved. :D
Dude are you serious about the data!!! that is freaking awesome. I am going to do a data backup tonight then. Then I can really have some fun. Ive have SSv4.5 for a little bit and even though I wanted to try some others I hated the thought of having to set things back up again. Like I said that is awesome and thanks for the information. Ill also keep you posted on how my wife likes the theme. Thanks!

-Chris Brock