New Droid Owner!


Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all, just wanted to quickly introduce myself here. I'll probably be a more frequent member of these forums once I finally get my Droid and get to play with it and such.

Ever since I've been with Verizon (starting with the e815) I've wanted much more control and customization over my phone. I'm a computer guy, I have a computer degree, I program, work with, build, maintain and troubleshoot computers, so naturally my phone-computer is something that I want more control over. I'm really hoping (and think that) the Android platform will let me do so.

As I said before, ever since I've been with Verizon I've had Motos, starting with the Motorola e815, and now with the Motorola KRZR K1m. Aside from the Verizon interface/limitations, I really haven't had as many problems with Motorola products as others seem to have in the past, so it was almost a no-brainer for me to get the Motorola Droid.

Long story short, I'm glad this community exists, and look forward to more participation in the future!
Welcome! And oh yes you will have more control over your Droid then probably any other phone out there honestly...and you can find all kinds of stuff you can do with it over in the Hacks section...but have fun with it and enjoy the forums! They're full of information...
:welcome: to the forum. Lots of good stuff in here and great friendly people. Enjoy.
Welcome to the forum!

You will have a ball with your new Droid! Ya know, I don't even consider my droid a phone. For me, it is more a portable computer that happens to be able to make phone calls! I am always fiddling with mine (the Droid that is)

Yesterday I rooted it and so for I have no regrets.

Have fun and keep us updated

Welcome to the forum!

You will have a ball with your new Droid! Ya know, I don't even consider my droid a phone. For me, it is more a portable computer that happens to be able to make phone calls! I am always fiddling with mine (the Droid that is)

Yesterday I rooted it and so for I have no regrets.

Have fun and keep us updated

Yeah, that's funny you say that, because about two months back I told my fiance that the next phone I'd get would absolutely have to have a faster processor - I can almost always see my KRZR slowly start to think when I'm messaging and whatnot, and her reply was quite interesting: "Phones have processors in them?" A lot of comp guys would say "HA! Silly non-computerite, of course it has a processor!" but it really underlines the fact that most of these devices are so compact and whatnot, you wouldn't believe that they had computer parts in them if you didn't know any better.

I feel that I'll most likely treat mine in the same manner, and I can't wait to see the kind've things I can do with it. Thanks for the warm welcome!