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New and a few questions about APN and the bionic


New Member
This is my first attempt to root a phone, so please stick with me. I'm on Verizon network on both 3g/4g signal.
It is my understanding that rooting the phone will wipe all the apn that are on it out causing that phone to be useless on any network until they are restored. I went onto the market and got the app that will back up and restore apns and then also viewed them in an office suite. It would appear that there are well over 35 sep. apn that were backed up.

Once the bionic is rooted do I then need to type all those apns back into the bionic or is there a way to restore the file or even drag and drop it into the systems folder. I'm really confused and most people say just call your provider and they will provide the settings for you. However knowing verizon they would then put it on file that i was rooting my phone and then deny me any support ever again. Verizon is a monster and loves to screw with you any way possible.

I also found the apn config file on the phone using a file explorer program and when I viewed that file there were even more apns even for providers for tmobile , atn&t etc. I assume that this is a stock file placed on the phone by motorola and not something by verizon.

Are APN settings stored on the sim card (Something i thought they did away with until this phone) and will rooting the phone do damage or erase anything on the sim card.

My final question is one that I have also seen mixed answers on the net for.
Can you create an image or backup of the phone just as it is when you get it from the store, so as to revert to that image. For example needing some type of support or sending the phone back. Rooting voids the warranty , but if i had a backup of the phone from the factory they would never know the difference. i know on a computer a ghost image can be created or cloned. I would think the same could be done on a phone, considering that it is now a computer.

I only want to root the phone right now to get rid of all the CRAP they stuck on it for no reason. I called verizon and they told me they would not help uninstall it or anything. They had a contract and the apps and ads come with the phone. I told them it was a joke and the phone was mine and paid for they had no right to tell me i couldn't remove ads and programs that I would never use. The guy then told me he couldn't help me anymore and hung up. Like I said gotta love Verizon and the cell companies. They try and get us all by the balls and most of the time they are good at it.

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

I believe the phone automatically sets all this up as it begins to boot up and communicate with the network. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong???
Android is a Linux-based operating system. Even though Android is an open source operating system you still don’t have full “root access” to do what you please on a stock Android device. Rooting essentially just gives you root access, otherwise known as administrator or superuser access. Most people use root access to remove bloatware apps (VZ Nav, Blockbuster, etc) and install custom ROMs (custom versions of Android for your phone).

Rooting is relatively low risk and will have no effect on APN settings.

If you root and remove stock apps, you'll want a copy of the stock ROM to reflash to your device (in case you ever have to send it in for warranty service). Stock ROM is here: [FXZ] Droid Bionic Stock 5.5.1_84_DBN-55 - xda-developers

A better solution to removing bloatware apps is to "freeze" them using Titanium Backup. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

If you want to start installing custom ROMs or restore to the above stock ROM, you'll want ClockworkMod's ROM Manager: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.koushikdutta.rommanager

Hope this helps,
Thank you all for your quick and great responses. The person that was asking about where I heard about backing up the APN's. It was actually for the LG revolution that I had prior to the droid bionic. I assumed that the same would apply for any phone. So if people have done it with no problems then I should be good have no problems. I didn't realize that is wasn't rewriting the certain parts of the phone programming. Thanks again for the help and I will be sure to back everything up.

I know or atleast hope that motorola will be putting out a ota fix for several bugs and updates. I'm assuming that the OS will need to be stock before any of this will be accepted.

Just for reference and I'm sure you all know but if not
standard motorola program codes work on the droid bionic. Just google them for even more access to the phone, WARNING be careful as you can really mess up the phone.
