

New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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I have been using the BB pearl/curve for 5 years now, and Verizon is offering the Droid X as an upgrade for a discounted price... So I took the offer today and will receive the phone 2nd week of August. I am nervous about switching to the Driod since I LOVE my BB. Am I making the right decision? I am still researching the Droid X and its features, but I would LOVE some feedback from BB switchers like me.
I have been using the BB pearl/curve for 5 years now, and Verizon is offering the Droid X as an upgrade for a discounted price... So I took the offer today and will receive the phone 2nd week of August. I am nervous about switching to the Driod since I LOVE my BB. Am I making the right decision? I am still researching the Droid X and its features, but I would LOVE some feedback from BB switchers like me.

I had the Blackberry Storm for 1 year prior to switching to the Droid. Within 1 minute of experiencing browsing the web on a Droid I realized that my Storm was basically a joke.

Now for someone like you that is coming from a Pearl, it's going to be quite a bit different and I'm not going to lie to you. There is a huge learning curve. The main thing you have to remember is to forget everything you learned about Blackberry. Comparisons won't apply. Also keep in mind and so many people don't realize that this is a Google phone. That means your email, contacts, calendar are all coming from Google. If you haven't set up a Google account yet then make sure you do and use it.

You won't have a desktop manager. Backups are done basically by Google.

Once you get past the learning curve you will realize that Blackberry is a phone for the 20th century. The X is for the 21st Century.
in addition to hookbill's post.... if you don't have a gmail account already and use something else instead don't be too put off by that since (like most email clients today) you can just have gmail receive the emails that would have been sent to your other email client. The setup is easy and very well documented in gmail but if you need any help feel free to let me know
Just to reiterate what was said above because I feel it is vital to getting the most out of this device - this is a google-based phone. The more you migrate to google's solutions for calendars and email and such, the better the phone becomes.

If you try to avoid migrating to gapps, the best features of the OS will be outweighed by small flaws. Android isn't a perfect user experience (a la iOS), but if you take advantage of its connectivity capabilities you will likely find it to be the most powerful system available on a phone.

Sent from my droid using Tapatalk
I made the change from the Tour to the Droid X two weeks ago and I couldn't be happier! I'm a BES Admin for my job so I have to work with BBs all day. One of the first things I did was a side by side boot test. My DX was up and running 4 times faster than my Tour. There is a little bit of a learning curve to having the Droid but so far I have had one two issues with my DX but nothing like what I see with BlackBerrys. I think you will be really happy with your switch!
I've had blackberries for 3+ years, dating back to my old school 7250. I must say that making the switch was an excellent decision. The difference between the two OSs is so stark, however, once you get used to it (took only a few hours for me), it's easy to see that Android is miles ahead to RIM's OS 5.0 and probably their 6.0 version as well. You won't be disappointed