Hey Buc, Thanks a million for the how-to, most of the fun is doing it yourself and it's scary as hell when you flash it for the 1st time... again thanks. I am running into one problem that I'm trying to work through. After doing the mod as instructed, a widget that I keep on my home screen, "Batstat," gives me the 1% increments but the battery in my status bar is reading in 5% increments and I'm not really sure where it's coming from, still looking though. Again thanks a million, it's people like you who make these forums a place of learning...
lb2004, you have an entry that looks something like this in your public.xml;
<public type="drawable" name="stat_sys_battery_charge_anim0" id="0x010802ec" />
One of these entries does not have something elsewhere, such as a .png, associated with it. When you receive the error, pay attention to what entry it's giving you the error on then search for it in your public.xml file. If you've copied and pasted, you'll usually find it's an entry that's extra and not needed, I say usually but not all the time. If so you can just erase that line and recompile.