Need some Root/missing SU Binary help


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
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So I rooted my phone a while back using the Safe Root approach. Not too long after Verizon pushed an update. I attempted to Un-root via an app (I don't remember which one now....I believe either SuperSU or Some Root manager app) then attempted the Verizon update. The update will not finish successfully (errors out every time) and when I attempt to open SuperSU I get the message that says "There is no SU binary installed, and SuperSU cannot install it. This is a problem!"

So now Im feeling a little stuck.....not sure if I just need to try to re-root (which has been unsuccessful via the same Safe root method) or find a way to manually get this SU Binary back? Im nervous to just start trying things for fear I will brick the device. Any experienced advice on this issue?
Thank you!
Do you still have a custom recovery? If so flash the SU app while in recovery mode.
No I don't believe I have a custom recovery. Live and learn...
Which firmware are you on?
Any way to get SU Binary back so I can just unroot and go back to original stock setup?
No luck unfortunately. I tried that approach step by step but the install.bat file just flashes an error (too fast to catch what it is) and closes every time. I still have the old version of SafeRoot that I used previously so I tried that one again. It connects, restarts the phone but then gives an error: /system/bin/sh: su: not found . Thinking this is related to the device missing SU Binary. Not sure how to proceed though. Thanks for any help!
My wife has an s3 with 4.4.2 installed. I have 4.3. Can I just take the "/system/bin/sh: " file from her device and replace mine with it?

Concerns of bricking the device with this approach?
I have experience rooting the S3, but not via Saferoot. If you aren't able to find an answer here, you might try asking over on our sister forum Galaxy S3 Forum
Great group of very knowledgeable folks over there.
Good luck!

S5 tap'n
If you just want to go back to stock...You can odin flash it with the right settings and repair it all! Let me know your exact model number and will help you get rolling again!!
Thanks to KaosMaster for the help! I ended up using his tutorials for backing up using Kies and then used the Verizon Software repair assistant which worked like a charm! Now upgraded to 4.4.2 successfully. Thanks!