Need Help with Dicision... :(

Have you tried this in "car panel" mode too or are you using the "google map" app?
I did. That was my first step in trying to resolve the issue. I looked for settings within the car panel and even the display settings. Nothing that I can think of.

On another note, I took the camera through its paces yesterday. Full day at Disney shooting photos and videos. Comparing now to my Moto Droid. In full sunlight, the DInc takes great pics. In low light, I'm liking my Moto Droid pics better. All around, I like the video better on my Moto Droid too. Even in direct sunlight. Here's a low light video of Ray Park that I posted on my YouTube page. Let me know what you think.

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OP, any issues with call clarity? There is a HUGE thread on HTC forums about it, seems like a ton of people having that issue.

It has made me hesitant to order ...

OP, any issues with call clarity? There is a HUGE thread on HTC forums about it, seems like a ton of people having that issue.

It has made me hesitant to order ...


my first phone had a bad speaker but my Brand new replacement works fine. Has awesome call quality.